Right click issus / bug rhino.8 MAC

Hello everyone. Is there a way to enable right click in the layer and view window? or any setting that I can change.

Especially in the layer panel, I often can’t rename or change objectlayers, etc. Unfortunately, it’s also very unpredictable when the problem will occur. I feel like it always happens when I don’t need it. no other dependencies.

(mac studio M1 Ultra)
Version 8 (8.5.24072.13002, 2024-03-12)
happy rhino.

How often do your fully restart your Mac?
I find I have far fewer odd issues if I restart my Silicon Mac at least once a week, and I do not work it very hard.

I restart my Windows desktop computers every day.

Hi Marc-

They should both be enabled by default, however it sounds like sometimes - unpredictably - they stop working for you. Does restarting Rhino bring the right-click context menus back?

One thing to note in the recent updates to Rhino 8 for Mac is that the right-click in the viewport behavior works more like the Rhino for Window version. You have to hold down the right-mouse-button for a moment before the menu will appear (the cursor changes once you’ve held it down for a moment). This allows for both the quick right-click-to-repeat-the-last-command as well as the slower right-click for the context menu. Likely you already know this, but just in case - you might need to retrain your muscle memory a bit.

Hello there - I am also having this issue and its rendering my workflow untenable.
Randomly I will not be able to raise the options menu which should appear when I right click on a layer.
if I click around randomly, click into the layer names so it brings me to the renaming cursor, click around more, it might start working again. This is mostly happening when I want to use select objects, change object layer. This is a major issue, meaningful progress has stopped.

I am also encountering this problem in Version 8 (8.16.25021.13002, 2025-01-21)