RhinoInside Revit not working

I have update RevitInside and it dosen’ work anymore inside revit 2018 but still work fine in the 2021 vesion. When i open the program it say that the string "System.StringAutodesk.Revit.ApplicationService-ControlledApplication.get_SubVersionNumber() is missing from some files.
I tried to reinstall revit 2018 but it didn’t solved the problem. Anyone know how to solve this? Thank you for the help!

Are you on Revit 2018.2?

It’s the minimum now.

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Update to Revit 2018.3.3 and now everything it works fine.
Thanks for the help!

@emiliano.delloro may I ask you how did you update your RVT version?
I can´t find updates for RVT 2018 and only the basic version is provided by Autodesk.

It would be veeeery helpful

thank you in advance

I’ve updated it through the program called “App desktop Autodesk”.

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