Rhinoinside.revit not installing in Revit 2023

Hi there,

I’ve downloaded both Rhino 7 and the Rhinoinside.revit installer and I have Revit 2023 currently installed.
Location of Revit 2023

Location of Rhino 7

I have attempted installing at the default location when the installer opens, but nothing happens. I’ve also tried installing into the add-ins folder inside the Revit 2023 folder, which also resulting in nothing happening.

I have also searched for the installation on my machine after the installer finishes and cannot where it has installed, leading me to think that it has not installed at all for some reason.

Does anyone have a solution to this issue?

This is the addin location. The recent daily and release candidates will install on 2023


Release Candidate 1.6.8134

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Hi @Vince_Logarzo,

Why do you have Revit and Rhino installed under C:\Program Files (x86)?
This folder use to contain only 32 bits applications.

BIM interoperability tools would not install correctly as a plugin when Revit 2023 was installed to *C:\Program Files\ he BIT plugin would not show in Revit 2023 when it was installed here.

When Revit 2023 was installed to C:\Program Files (x86) then the BIM interoperability tools installer.mse installs easily and appears in Revit 2023 when opened.

But now i have the issue of the RhinoInside.revit plugin not installing correctly when Revit 2023 is installed in this location. Do you have any solution. I need both plugins.


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this worked for me,
Thank you!



I have three version of Revit installed on my computer but the installation reads only two. I am missing the one for Revit 2023. Do you have any idea what the reason for this?

RhinoInsideRevit installation


Hi Damian, There are a few options on what could cause this. Take a look at this thread for more information…

Thanks for quick reply Japhy!

I tried with uninstalling, restarting and installing and it didn’t help. About the registry key I don’t have {7346B4A0-2300-0510-0000-705C0D862004} under SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\ path.

It was internal problem in the organization which is now fixed. It’s working without any problems :slight_smile: