Upgraded my rhino install to the 8.6 release, and my RhinoCompute plugin code no longer is able to import gltf/glb files. I used to be able to just call RhinoDoc.Import(fileName), but now it always returns false. When I import the exact same file using the rhino UI it works perfectly.
I tried upgrading my nuget references to the 8.6 packages, and then downgrading to a variety of other package versions I know worked in the past, no luck
Should I be upgrading the Grasshopper nuget package in the compute.geometry project?
Is there any way for my code to get access to any sort of error messages or log output explaining why the call to Import failed?
Any help tracking this down would be greatly appreciated, I have a rollout scheduled in the next few weeks, gulp.
Thanks so much Japhy, I actually got someone through your website support chat to get me links to the previous 2 builds, so I think i’m all set with that part for now.
So I tried uninstalling rhino and reinstalling a few different older versions (rhino_en-us_8.5.24072.13001 and rhino_en-us_8.4.24044.15001.exe), updating my nuget packages to match those, but still getting the same issue whenever I try to import a GLB file in the context of compute.geometry. So I’m no longer sure this break was introduced in V8.6, it might be that I have not tested this code path in my application in a few months.
I created a public fork of the compute.rhino3d repo which demonstrates the issue:
To reproduce the issue:
Clone that repo
Open the file compute.rhino3d\src\compute.geometry\TEST\TEST.cs
Update the path on line 11 to point at this TEST folder, (based on where you cloned the repo)
Run the computer.geometry project, wait for it to complete its loading phases
Open up this same TEST folder in explorer, you’ll see it has 3 testing assets, a GLB, an FBX, and a 3dm
As you run the requests, watch inside that TEST folder. A text file will be created after each request, with either “SUCCESS” or “FAIL” in the name
Verify that TestCube.3dm and TestCube.fbx generate SUCCESS outputs, and Duck.glb generates a FAIL
Open Rhino application and try importing each of the 3 TEST files and verify that the desktop application does import all of them successfully.
Hi @Tai. Sorry for the long delay. Could you try updating to the latest version of Hops/Rhino.Compute (version 0.16.17). The startup process of Rhino.Compute now loads the Commands.rhp so that the gltf exporter/importer should work properly inside of compute. Please let us know if this fixes your issue or if you’re still running into issues. Thanks.