Crashing when Importing glb file


I’m trying to import a .glb (a google earth model exported from Blender) into Rhino 8 but after ~30 seconds of waiting, it fails with a generic import error. I notice it also screws up my Rhino and even other applications with random black squares everywhere, which I can only resolve by closing and reopening, even restarting my laptop. I’m not sure if my RAM is insufficient (16mb), but I’ve opened far bigger files of other formats without issue. The glb file is ~110mb.

Here’s a link to the file if anyone would like to test: Unique Download Link | WeTransfer

Hi Sam -
Thanks for that file.
On my system, Rhino works for a while and then nothing happens.
I’ve put this on the list for a developer for a closer look:
RH-85614 File IO: Open GLB Failure Sample

Hi Wim,

Thank you, I’ve tried with smaller GLB snippets and the imports work OK, so for now I’ll just import small pieces and put them together in Rhino.

Can you run the SystemInfo command, copy the results, and paste them here?

RH-85614 is fixed in Rhino 8 Service Release 17 Release Candidate