Rhinocommon Templates for V7?

Are there Rhinocommon templates for V7? I plan on using them in Visual Studio 2019.



Hi @samlochner,

Not sure what the hold up here. I’ve logged the issue go this get some attention.


Obviously you can use the V6 template and just re-path the RhinoCommon DLL references to those included with Rhino 7.

– Dale

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Thanks Dale.

I’m realizing I don’t actually want to create a new project but rather adapt my old one. I’ve been writing a VB.net rhinocommon plugin for V5 in VS 2013 and I’m making the jump to V7 with VS 2019.

I am able to open the project in VS 2019, then change the rhinocommon.dll reference to be the one in the Rhino V7 folder and then build. But when I drag and drop the rhp file into Rhino V7 it says “the plug-in does not appear to be compatible with this version of Rhino”. What step do you think I’m missing?


Hi @samlochner,

Do you really need to adapt your existing project? You’d only want to do this if there was some new stuff in RhinoCommon for Rhino 7 you want to use.

When re-referencing an older project, make sure to change all of the Rhino-related DLLs.

Another option is to remove all of the Rhino references and just get RhinoCommon NuGet package.

– Dale

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Did you set “copy local” to false for RhinoCommon? You don’t want a copy of RhinoCommon to end up in your plug-in’s build output.

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@dale, there is new stuff in V7 I want to use. I’m not quite sure what you mean by re-referencing. I’m just opening up the old project in VS 2019 and changing the run path to Rhino 7. The only rhino-related DLL I see is the Rhinocommon.dll which I’ve updated to be the one in the Rhino 7 folder.

@stevebaer, I did set “copy local” to false.

Any idea what I might be missing?


You could send me your rhp and I can try and see why it isn’t loading in V7

Just sent it to you via message.

repath the RhinoCommon.dll was necessary to have my rhp load in Rhino 7 but not RhinoWindows.dll
in fact i had to keep using old RhinoWindows.dll from 6 cuz it’s a lower .NET framework version
now i need to get my IT admin to install .NET 4.8…

Just wanted to post up in here as well to keep an eye out for new resources.
If anyone knows roughly about when the new template for SDK 7 will be out, or if someone notices that it’s out please post back in here if possible.
There is some killer stuff in 7 that would be awesome to get access to. :slightly_smiling_face:

Just to update this thread, it was fine to use the V6 template. You just have to set the run path and rhinocommon dll correctly. The issue I had opening up the old project was the rhinocommon dll kept getting reverted to the old one. I never found a solution to that so just started fresh via the V6 template and copying my files over.

For the time being, you can still access anything in V7, by running the V6 template and re-referencing RhinoCommon.dll from the V7 installation directory.

You probably had RhinoCommon installed via Nuget.



Giulio Piacentino
for Robert McNeel & Associates

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No, the vbproj was attempting to reference a very old version of RhinoCommon that did not match what was in the hintpath.

I would recommend using nuget references instead of local paths.

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How was that possible?

EDIT: I’m interested so that possible problems might be addressed in the next version of the wizard.

I don’t know how Sam updated his vbproj file (either through VS or through a text editor). I looked at the vbproj file and provided some advice on changes to make, but I think at that point Sam figured it was easier to just start from scratch. This is from converting a V5 based project.

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Awesome, I’ll give it a try! Basically, the only limitation is not using VS 2019 Community edition right now? Or is it safe to get the latest version of VS?

Steve is right, I ended up starting from scratch, which was straight forward, just copied my files over. VS 2019 community is working just fine with Rhinocommon V7.

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Any chance someone could sort this one out for Mac? I’ve posted this solution to actually get Visual Studio (VS) to run V7 instead of V6.

(It looks like the preview only shows the question. Click on the link and you’ll find my solution.)

VS will now compile and run a C# Grasshopper routine but can’t deal with Breakpoints. It seems Rhino 7 doesn’t want to hand things back to Visual Studio after a Breakpoint has been encountered.

While we’re waiting for the new V7 template, is there a solution similar to the dll swap that could help out us lowly Mac users?!

John O’Keefe

@curtisw - when you have time, can you review this?

There’s an addition to this, which I thought I had posted but it seems to have disappeared. I wish it hadn’t because now I have the debugging problem again and I can’t recreate my fix. Tried re-routing to a RhinoCommon.dll file that I found elsewhere on my machine (remember it’s a Mac) but no luck. (See attached image). If I go to the Run dropdown menu and click Continue Debugging, Visual Studio will run the Rhino7 C#/Grasshopper routine but does not stop at any Breakpoints.

Any help on this will be greatly appreciated. I’m sure I’m not the only Mac user with Rhino 7/Visual Studio problems.

Thanks in advance.

John O’Keefe