Rhinoceros 6 Hole glitch

Hello, I have experienced a glitch while creating a hole from closed curve. Created hole was forming to both sides no matter of settings. Some ideas?


Not many without a posted file to look at…

Its not about file to look at, its about command _makehole under Rhinoceros 6, you can see attached pictures (before and after command make hole with settings both sides = no)

MakeHole is designed to use a hole profile parallel to the face to cut out, not perpendicular… Otherwise extrude your profile to the correct height (one side) and use BooleanDifference.


Well, why is there both sides possibility? Does not really make sence then…In Rhinoceros 5 it worked like charm (se attachment)

Yes, you’re right, the BothSides option does appear to be broken in v6… @rajaa

Hi All - I am pretty sure this has been fixed… checking… yep, it does work here in the latest.


Sorry to say, but it is no go. Just downloaded latest adept to service pack and problem still stands. I’m attaching screenshot of Rhino Option page with version.

Hello - yeah, sorry - it is fixed here in our in-house builds and not yet in a public build is what it looks like.
