Rhino8 viewport not showing any object

Hi ,

I have 1 template file that i have been using for a long time now as a sample file for a specific GH project excercise.

A few days ago one of the viewport (top left wieport ) has stopped showing objects while all 3 other wieports are working fine , no matter what display mode or which view i set on the viewport te result is always the same …“unable to zoom” on top left viewport.

the SelClippingPlane command is not returning anything.

does anyone know if there is a way to fix this ? maybe some “on/off viewport” flag somewhere.

if i open a new file on the same instance all 4 windows are working thus meaning is something wrong on the specific file; the point is that i need to keep using this file because it all set up according to my needs so to restart from scracth is something id like to avoid

if anyone can help me to understand how to fix this i really appreciate.


PS if i set the TOP view on any other wieport for example bottom left viewport as shown below its working, the objects are displayed , so the problem is relative to the top left viewport

Check the properties of the view in the properties panel. Post a screenshot of the panel

Thanks for your answer @martinsiegrist

here are the properties

and here are the options

For some reason your camera is very far away. I have experienced this myself but I don’t know why.

You can solve it by typing 4 it should autocomplete to 4View…

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Thanks a lot Martin , you are right and I don’t know either how and why it happend.

that said the 4View command hs fixed the problem

many thanks :wink:

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