I have encountered this problem after upgrading my plugin to SR14.
one command that uses SweepTwoRails() class stopped working
On SR13 the same code worked without problems
I tried workarounds with using Sweep method in brep class but it fails also.
( Brep.CreateFromSweep )
Every time it returns an empty array Rhino.Geometry.Brep[]
Am I missing something here?
here is the piece of code:
var finalProfile = new SweepTwoRail();
finalProfile.SweepTolerance = 0.1;
finalProfile.MaintainHeight = true;
//var res1 = finalProfile.PerformSweep(path, path2, Profiles);
//var res1 = finalProfile.PerformSweepRefit(path, path2, Profiles, 0.1);
var res1 = Brep.CreateFromSweep(path, path2, Profiles, true, 0.1);
if (res1 == null || res1.Length==0)
RhinoApp.WriteLine("Could not create Sweep. Check your profile");
doc.Views.EnableRedraw(true, true, true);
return Result.Failure;
( note that I commented out different methods while searching for the solution, the first one was the one I originally used)
I get res1.Length==0 true every time, no matter what I tried
I tried the latest release candidate SR15 and it is not working too…
Thanks in advance