I have been writing a RhinoCommon (c#) plugin to convert the native file format of Gravity Sketch into native Rhino Geometry.
Due to the limited nature of available features in OpenNURBS, we are working on a Rhino Import plugin, rather than a .3dm export plugin.
The issue we have come across is that we are trying to perform a SweepOneRail where you specify multiple profiles along the curve to match our geometry creation. This works perfectly for any NURBSCurve we throw at it, and any set of profiles.
However, as soon as you close the curve, SweepOneRail.PerformSweep silently returns null breps, regardless of any other parameters.
Is there a reason for this? or some way to get more detailed information as to why it is failing?
Huh, strange. Is it possible that you post an example of your code and of the geometry that you’re trying to sweep so we can have a go at trying this too?
I am having a similar problem to Carpetheaddev, I am not sure if was in the end sorted out. I post my gh python in case anybody wants to have a look.
basically when the ClosedSweep option is on True it doesn´t produce any result.