Rhino6 will not start after a crash

I was working in Rhino 6, but it crashed and terminated the application.

I tried to start up Rhino6 again, but it would not start.

After a clean install of Rhino6, the symptoms remained the same, but the evaluation version of Rhino7 did start.

A PRAM reset did the same and Rhino6 would not start up even in safe mode.

I may have to initialize the OS, but I would like to deal with it without.

Please help.

1.Licence:Cloud zoo
2. Machin:Mac osX Monterey
3.Mac Pro 2013
AMD FirePro D700 6G

Hi Takahiro -
Please try to remove the preferences file for Rhino 6.
This page describes where you can find that plist. I would not delete it but move it to a different place (e.g. your desktop) so that, if necessary, we could try to see why this plist causes Rhino to crash.

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Hi wim.
Thanks for the reply.

I tried moving and deleting plist together, but still the situation did not change.

The files in the following paths were moved/deleted and then reinstalled, but still would not start.

Macintosh HD/Applications/Rhinoceros
Macintosh HD/Users/“Username”/Library/Application Support/McNeel
Macintosh HD/Users/“Username”/Library/Preferences/com.mcneel.rhinoceros.plist
Macintosh HD/Library/Application Support/McNeel