Rhino6 to Keyshot7 not working

since getting my R6 i dont have a link to keyshot
i have sent the same error notice to keyshot but wanted to know if more of you guys are having issues

if you do, and its clearly not the responsibility of Mcneel, please send an email to keyshot, we need to push this issue forward.


Judging from several similar threads on the KS forum, as well as the current plugin version listed as supporting V5, it appears that Luxion knows they need to update. Still squeaky wheel…perhaps.

Likely not what you what to hear: For several reasons I gave up on the plugin and use STEPs. Unfortunately, the plugin has been more trouble than worth, for me, over the years. I typically need STEPs of all my parts anyway, so this workflow works for me.

Furthermore, going forward with V6, when you are just in need of photorealistic viz, Raytraced (Cycles) inside of Rhino might be efficient. Later take more developed, or final, geometry to KS for studies/presentation/marketing shots.

Just a thought…to each is own.

==>> Raytraced (Cycles)

Thanks Nathan…you knew what I ‘meant”…:wink:
