Rhino V8 Windows Layout not obeying draw order


Version 8 SR9
(8.9.24163.15301, 2024-06-11)

I noticed that you have resolved an issue that I reported some months ago, so I am trying once again to move to Rhino V8. I now have a new issue.

The attached model is in V6 format. I have attached 2 PDF files from V6 and 2 from V8. In V6, the PDF correctly obeys the draw order regardless of whether a single layout is printed or both layouts are printed together. In V8, when a single layout is printed, the draw order is obeyed, but when both layouts are printed together, the draw order is not obeyed. You will notice on page 2 of KDRGridV8b.pdf that the grid lines appear as if they were foreground objects.

Layout page 1 contains rendered images. That might be the cause of the problem, but that is only a guess.

KDRGrid.3dm (7.0 MB)
KDRGridV6a.pdf (2.1 MB)
KDRGridV6b.pdf (3.6 MB)
KDRGridV8a.pdf (43.4 KB)
KDRGridV8b.pdf (1.6 MB)

Regards, Garry.

Hi Garry -

A few observations.

It’s possible that you are using a custom display mode in the left detail on the second page, because when I open that file here, this is what that looks like and that detail is in Wireframe mode.

In Wireframe mode, surfaces will never occlude curves that are behind it.

This PDF was generated in “Raster” mode (or that detail in Wireframe isn’t supposed to be in wireframe).

In Rhino 8, viewports in technical display modes will create vector output when using vector mode. To compare this with previous versions of Rhino, you’d have to print in raster mode.

When I print this file to vector PDF, and only having changed the default Technical display mode to not show hidden lines, I get this:

→ KDRGrid - wd - RH8.pdf (152.0 KB)

Note: print settings do not travel with 3dm files, and you might want to post images of all settings on your side.
Apart from that, I’m getting a long list of missing image files when opening the file:

C:\Users\gatwo\AppData\Roaming\McNeel\Rhinoceros\6.0\Localization\en-US\Render Content\Textures\EzywoodGhostGum.png
C:\Users\gatwo\AppData\Roaming\McNeel\Rhinoceros\6.0\Localization\en-US\Render Content\Textures\Marble\Marble C.jpg
C:\Users\gatwo\AppData\Roaming\McNeel\Rhinoceros\6.0\Localization\en-US\Render Content\Textures\Wood\Tasmanian Oak.jpg
D:\DataHse1\Thorn\Application\DA\BASIX Remodel VaryE 2023.jpg
D:\DataHse1\Thorn\HouseRemodelT_embedded_files\Bar Crossing.jpg
D:\DataHse1\Thorn\HouseRemodelT_embedded_files\Blue Swimmer Crab A.jpg
D:\DataHse1\Thorn\HouseRemodelT_embedded_files\Cypress Pine.jpg
D:\DataHse1\Thorn\HouseRemodelT_embedded_files\Estuary A.jpg
D:\DataHse1\Thorn\HouseRemodelT_embedded_files\Fish A.jpg
D:\DataHse1\Thorn\HouseRemodelT_embedded_files\Four Corners.jpg
D:\DataHse1\Thorn\HouseRemodelT_embedded_files\Leafy Sea Dragon A.jpg
D:\DataHse1\Thorn\HouseRemodelT_embedded_files\Marble A.jpg
D:\DataHse1\Thorn\HouseRemodelT_embedded_files\Marble D.jpg
D:\DataHse1\Thorn\HouseRemodelT_embedded_files\Marble F.jpg
D:\DataHse1\Thorn\HouseRemodelT_embedded_files\Marble G.jpg
D:\DataHse1\Thorn\HouseRemodelT_embedded_files\Red Dirt A.jpg
D:\DataHse1\Thorn\HouseRemodelT_embedded_files\Scaley Tree Fern A.jpg
D:\DataHse1\Thorn\HouseRemodelT_embedded_files\Sunrise B.jpg
D:\DataHse1\Thorn\HouseRemodelT_embedded_files\Textile A.jpg
D:\DataHse1\Thorn\HouseRemodelT_embedded_files\Textile B.jpg
D:\DataHse1\Thorn\HouseRemodelT_embedded_files\Textile C.jpg
D:\DataHse1\Thorn\HouseRemodelT_embedded_files\Textile D.jpg
D:\DataHse1\Thorn\HouseRemodelT_embedded_files\Textile E.jpg
D:\DataHse1\Thorn\HouseRemodelT_embedded_files\Textile F.jpg
D:\DataHse1\Thorn\HouseRemodelT_embedded_files\Textile G.jpg
D:\DataHse1\Thorn\HouseRemodelT_embedded_files\Textile H.jpg
D:\DataHse1\Thorn\HouseRemodelT_embedded_files\Textile I.jpg
D:\DataHse1\Thorn\HouseRemodelT_embedded_files\Tile C.jpg
D:\DataHse1\Thorn\HouseRemodelT_embedded_files\Tile D.jpg
D:\DataHse1\Thorn\HouseRemodelT_embedded_files\Waterfall A.jpg
D:\DataHse1\Thorn\HouseRemodelT_embedded_files\Wave Rock A.jpg
D:\DataHse1\Thorn\HouseRemodelT_embedded_files\Wide Bay Bar.jpg
D:\DataHse1\Thorn\HouseRemodelT_embedded_files\Wood C.jpg
D:\DataHse1\Thorn\HouseRemodelT_embedded_files\Wood E.jpg

I have no idea if that matters…

@wim Thank you. In V6, I have been using Raster PDF output. I have the Technical display mode set to not show hiddden lines in V6 and V8. I have attached my Options file.

The details were in Technical mode, so that was OK. The missing image files are not used by the included objects. I stripped out most of the model contents to make a small file for the post.

Initially, it seemed that your suggestion of using Raster had fixed it. However, it is not that simple. In the full model, there are 2 more layout pages with similar content. When I use Raster in the full model, all 3 pages show the hidden grid lines. On the other hand, in this abridged model, the attached Raster files show all 3 pages correctly. Now for a twist. About an hour ago, whilst trying your suggestions, I also saw a Raster output where the first of the 3 similar layout pages was correct, and the other 2 showed the hidden lines. It seems to be a bit hit and miss.

I have included extra objects in the abridged model to generate the other Layout pages. Given that in V8 I have hidden lines suppressed for Technical, why are they showing in the Vector output?

I am not convinced that it is a simple setings issue, but I am ready to be corrected… again.

OptionsV8.ini (188.8 KB)
KDRGrid.3dm (7.7 MB)
KDRGridV601.pdf (2.1 MB)
KDRGridV602.pdf (8.7 MB)
KDRGridV8Vector01.pdf (43.4 KB)
KDRGridV8Vector02.pdf (2.0 MB)
KDRGridV8Raster01.pdf (2.0 MB)
KDRGridV8Raster02.pdf (8.2 MB)

Regards, Garry.

@wim Here are some more output files from V8 in Vector mode. When a single page is printed, it is correct. When multiple pages are printed, the output is only correct if it is the first page selected for printing.

V8 Raster mode now shows the hidden lines even if only a single page is printed. I am not sure how that fits with my earlier observations.

KDRGridV8VectorPage 10.pdf (43.4 KB)
KDRGridV8VectorPages 10 to 12.pdf (56.6 KB)
KDRGridV8VectorPage 11.pdf (41.7 KB)
KDRGridV8VectorPage 12.pdf (41.3 KB)
KDRGridV8VectorPages 9 to 12.pdf (2.0 MB)

Regards, Garry.

@wim. Any update on this gremlin? It has been some months since I reported it. I know that you have had more than the usual set of problems with V8, but having paid for the upgrades to V7 and then to V8, it is annoying to be stuck on V6. I would like to start using V8. I also have another problem registered on YouTrack as a bug in V6, V7 and V8, which has been awaiting attention for 9 months.

Regards, Garry.

@wim This appears to have been fixed in V8. I will make the switch to V8. Fingers crossed.

Regards, Garry.

@wim I am switching to Mac. This problem has been corrected for Windows, but still exists for Mac.

The KDRGrid.3dm model attached above on 19th June is still relevant. I used it to generate the attached Windows and Mac PDF files.

KDRGridSWindows.pdf (8.6 MB)

KDRGridMac.pdf (1010.2 KB)

MacSystermInfo.txt (4.7 KB)

MY MISTAKE. I forgot to turn off Show Hidden Lines for the Technical Display Mode in Settings on the Mac version. All is OK.

Regards, Garry.

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