Rhino V7 for Mac -- thumbs up

I don’t post that much here anymore but not for lack of interest in Rhino… It’s a cornerstone tool of mine… Every project is running through there.

I’ve been using V7 for about 6 weeks now and just commenting to say good job you guys… thanks.


Although still a bug infested piece of work - I mean I must already have reported at least 6 to 7 bugs and I haven’t been using Rhino 7 for more than 3 weeks -, I really, really like the subtle changes made to the macOS version and some of the more underdog-ish features.

I don’t care much about the SubD integration except maybe for multipipe.

The QuadRemesher is neat to say the least! :fire:

One of the new things I really appreciate and use the most are Named Selection sets, which are amazingly useful and finally bring something akin to crease sets to Rhino. Good job!!

Single Line Fonts are low key a huge improvement for annotating CNC files (laser cutter, vinyl cutter, etc.). The saved time is a huge benefit!

Gradient Hatches are useful and the new layout management stuff appreciated.

The new Grasshopper features seem a little rushed and thin, especially the Components Placeholders. At the moment, they can’t be moved nor deleted, which makes them more annoying than useful to be totally honest. I guess we have to wait for GH2!

A big negative “surprise” is that the Turntable feature still isn’t integrated yet. I really don’t understand why?
Also in dark mode, the overall UI is still not optimal and at times hard to read.
It’s great that the left side bar menus were decluttered and some stuff moved to the top, horizontal menu bar, but the tab descriptions are really small. What is this a font size 9? :slight_smile:
But I’d rather use a feature packed, buggy yet flexible program like Rhino, over something like Fusion 360, which is pseudo eye-candy, and yet overall horrible. :smiley:

Is it just me or does Rhino 7 seem snappier performance-wise?

Overall, Rhino 7 is great! Good job, guys.

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i am sorry to be the party pooper sure some thumbs up, but some go…

i would disagree with that very much.

curves handling
is worse, which is important for orthogonal standard cad stuff. in earlier versions (5) i used wire mode to be able to work better since shaded slowed down stuff too much, now i avoid wire mode because that is the worst of them all.

zooming in and out with a mouse wheel
got worse compared to rhino 5. it was a long path till the performance was nearly as good as in windows, but i think since version 6 it is declining again and that is bad, because it would be the single fittest method to navigate fast and sufficient. i cant speak for magic tablets since i dont have one, but imho mouse navigation for cad is still very important.

also the grid slows down performance which it never did as far as i remember.

bigger scenes with texture
seems to slow down performance, when i try the same scene in rhino 6 it works much faster.

texture handling
applying texture, creating textures, generally dealing with the texture panels is a nightmare. also when you select an object with textures and you happen to have the texture panel open there are delays, because it has to light up some candles first.

i hope these are just bugs and will be resolved at some point, anyway i made the decision to upgrade to 7 because of some projects and thought i might as well just do it now, even though i was not convinced at all about the performance. performance really is a very important aspect, nothing worse than a sluggish interface which slows you down far more than any good new feature supposed to make your life better.

i mean yes there are some very cool tools which are nice to have, but performance specifically in regards of mac should have super hyper absolute priority. rhino for windows was always a benchmark for my feeling and i never got fully satisfied with the mac version and right now it even feels a bit like running against the wind again.

hope ahead
big changes will be made for version 8, mostly because the dedicated graphics API Metal which is now being targeted which i am super hyped about. fingers crossed that this will help to send rhino for mac where it belongs.


post your systeminfo? We’d like to see what you are running to see what’s up with your performance issues.

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A step forward. Nice functionality. I love Rhino.

What needs to improve in my opinion: performance when handling curves, hatches, blocks & dimensions. Slow also in layouts. A proper block manager & handling of blocks & dynamic blocks of input dwgs.

Nothing is perfect, but that’s my main points.

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Lots of progress has been made!
What I am hoping for is some epic GH canvas performance (fps) and some good hardware utilization (Metal API)!


hi Kyle, these issues have been stated several times through several users all over the forum. it is not that i am writing something asotnishingly new. some of these issues were also acknowledged to some part, i think that curves are generally weaker was stated by @stevebaer if i remember correct.

my computer is a bit older, i specifically stayed clear from the amd gpus and also all the newer crap Apple unfortunately produced, actually waiting for those Apple Silica for quite a while now which i still have to wait for obviously… so i am still running the best geforce, macbook pros had before they switched. Rhino 5 outruns both 6 and 7 in most aspects with this configuration. Rhino 6 got weaker in some aspects but Rhino 7 seems to have extra hick ups.

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