Rhino to Robot issue

I am a french student and i need to export Rhino files to Robot by Autodesk, I tried to export the file as a DXF format then open it again in Robot, but i only have nodes appearing, does anybody have a idea how to make it work ? Thanks a lot. You can try with the file attached.
AutelV1.3dm (18.7 MB)

Hi Paul -

Which DXF scheme are you using? What does it look like when you import it back into Rhino?

Hello Wim,
I tried another way, by exporting as a DWG file. I use DWG format, with “2018 polylignes” parameters (see the screenshot1), this the best result i could get on Robot (see screenshot2). But now the problem is on Robot, i have too many bars and nodes, do you have any idea to make it better ?

I think for any analysis software you need to use the “Solids” option.
However, some of your objects are not Solids, as reported by Check command:

Rhino polysurface object is not valid.
brep.m_E[24] edge is not valid.
edge.m_vi[0]=edge.m_vi[1]=18 but edge.IsClosed() is false.
ON_Brep.m_E[24] is invalid.
Rhino polysurface object is not valid.
brep.m_E[22] edge is not valid.
edge.m_vi[0]=edge.m_vi[1]=18 but edge.IsClosed() is false.
ON_Brep.m_E[22] is invalid.
Rhino polysurface object is valid.
Rhino polysurface object is valid.
Rhino polysurface object is valid.
Rhino polysurface object is valid.
Rhino polysurface object is valid.