Architecture grad student here. In the past, when I use Export Selected to create an Illustrator .AI file, I will first make a copy of the Rhino file with the object/model/Make2d lines moved to the origin 0,0,0.
Yet when I follow this process with my latest file, the .AI export is utterly blank, no matter how far out I zoom, nor how I scroll across the screen.
I then try the Command+0, Command+A, Command+X, Command+V trick, and I get this error message: “Can’t paste the objects. The requested transformation would make some objects fall completely off the drawing area.”
So I tried a couple different scales, in case it was human error and I’m just tired, and nothing. The .AI export still appears totally blank.
Help! What am I doing wrong?
GoogleDrive link to .3dm file: 3.2.1 axon plan.3dm - Google Drive
GoogleDrive link to .AI file: 3.2.1 axon plan.AI - Google Drive
Thanks very much for your help.