Rhino to blender, STEPper vs 3Dm file importer for blender


I would like to use blender to render my project made in rhino and was wondering which was the best way to go. I generally export in obj and merge everything in blender, but the result isn’t always great…
I am used to use keyshot which imports natively 3dm files.
I discovered two plug ins that might achieve what I want, STEPper and 3Dm file importer.

Is there any difference in using any of the two? (appart that one needs to be exported as step first).
do they work similarly in the conversion of the file for blender?



Sorry I don’t know which file format is best but another option is to use Speckle to connect the two apps. Connect Rhino Geometry to Blender

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Hi @Evan_Troxel,

You might have a look at this project:

– Dale


Just tried, works like a charm :ok_hand: