I assume you are already aware, but it seems that the sprites are inverted in the SR15 release candidate. Is this something we need to fix, or is it just a temporary adjustment?
Right-bottom corner!
Thank you.
I assume you are already aware, but it seems that the sprites are inverted in the SR15 release candidate. Is this something we need to fix, or is it just a temporary adjustment?
Right-bottom corner!
Thank you.
@rafadelmolino We don’t have those kind of viewport sprites in Rhino, so I doubt we are aware…
@stevebaer is this something you can advise about?
No, we use them in RhinoArtisan! DisplayPipeline.DrawSprite().
This sounds like a stop-ship issue. Changes were made due to this report which conflicts with what you are reporting.
@rafadelmolino thanks for reporting.
This issue is reopened RH-85324 Display: Inverted bitmap drawing (regression)…
RH-85324 is fixed in Rhino 8 Service Release 15
I’m not sure why this isn’t working now.
What version of DrawSprite are you calling?
Is there any chance of getting some sort of repeatable example which shows the bug? Sorry for the inconvenience.
I was using the first method, now I changed to the 3rd and it works.
Thanks, I see that those two functions unfortunately take two different code paths. I’m working on a hotfix for this for 8.15.