Rhino/Revit/GH constantly refreshing?

Hello all,

I’m just getting up to speed with the latest release after a couple months away. Things were working pretty smoothly, but all at once I began getting significant lags, with the blue mousewheel spinning for upwards of 20 seconds, almost consistently (I’ve been barely able to pan without it attempting to refresh).

I’ve turned off the Revit preview of geometry, and have very little visible in the Rhino modelspace, so not sure where else to look in hopes of addressing this lag. My definition is pulling revit geometry from the model as a reference - is it possible somewhere in there, a Revit-based component is attempting to refresh regularly? Any other ideas where I should look?

Here’s a view of my rhino modelspace, not much going on, preview-wise or computationally.

Thanks for any thoughts!

Alex are there any Rhino.Inside.Revit Add components in your definition? Not saying they are the issue but they have had the biggest changes recently.

One thing that really helps in Grasshopper when in large projects is disabling the autosave


@Japhy thanks for the ideas. Yeah, I’m bringing in Revit wall elements with filters (the hope is that filters are prohibiting GH from bringing all wall data into the definition, but maybe this is causing my issue?). I’m also bringing in gridline geometry. I could manually select walls rather than try to isolate from all existing walls, if that seems like a less memory-intensive workflow.

I wouldn’t think the autosave feature is an issue right now, as the definition itself is still fairly light, but it’s certainly an idea worth exploring.

Thanks for the thoughts.
