Rhino refusing to switch render tool

Hello, I just installed V-Ray 5 for rhino and it seems to be correctly set. Opening Rhino, in Options>Plugins, the V-Ray box is ticked and loaded, so there isn’t supposed to be any problem.

But when I am trying to switch to any renderer from the render menu (I have three choices : Rhino Render, Former Rhino Render and V-Ray for Rhino) it switches it back to Rhino Render and displays :

[Unknown command: SetCurrentRenderPlugInE8CFE179-B60C-411A-8416-62A893334519]
in french : [Commande inconnue: DéfinirModuleRenduActuelE8CFE179-B60C-411A-8416-62A893334519]

Does someone have a solution for this problem ? Thanks by advance !

The problem was solved by myself just while I was writing this message :

For those who have the same problem, just try to type the command SetCurrentRenderPlugIn E8CFE179-B60C-411A-8416-62A893334519 (or in french DéfinirModuleRenduActuel E8CFE179-B60C-411A-8416-62A893334519) into the console.

What I did is just adding a space after “SetCurrentRenderPlugin” or “DéfinirModuleRenduActuel”, otherwise it will detect an unknown command name because the whole is attached. Hope this will help in the future !