Rhino perspective right click becomes pan bug?

i’m not sure if this is a bug or a feature.
mid way thru modeling, my right click becomes pan in persective view, and i can figure out how to switch back to rotate. in the history panel I don’t see anything out of place, here are all the command, after and just before the issue happened
after unhiding geometry, right click became pan.

Command: M
Command: _Move
Point to move from. Press Enter to use bounding box center ( Normal  Vertical )
Point to move to <22.830>
Transforming subobjects... Press Esc to cancel
Creating meshes... Press Esc to cancel
Command: _ShowSelected
Select objects to show
Select objects to show. Press Enter when done
1 closed polysurface added to selection.
Command: '_SetView
Choose coordinate system ( CPlane  World ): _World
Choose world view ( Top  Bottom  Left  Right  Front  Back  Perspective  TwoPointPerspective ): _Perspective
2 polysurfaces added to selection.
Command: _ShowSelected
No objects are hidden.
Command: _ShowSelected
No objects are hidden.
Command: _ShowSelected
No objects are hidden.
Command: _ShowSelected
No objects are hidden.
3 polysurfaces added to selection.

If i open a new rhino, right click works fine.

EDIT: after using Ctrl+Shift+RMB once, right mouse button switched back to rotate, but i still have no idea why it was lock to pan.

It’s probably activating a Windows accessibility feature like “sticky keys.”

i don’t think so, i’ve have sticky keys disabled on windows
and when it’s locked to pan, i’ve tried, shit+RMB, ctrl+RMB, alt+RMB, none of them “unlocked” right mouse button until ctrl+shift+rmb

Well assuming there’s nothing anywhere in a keyboard or mouse programming software or something that could trigger holding down the shift key automatically–there’s nothing in Rhino–I would consider hardware failure an option, or another open program interfering with events(I’m looking at YOU Adobe.)

but then that wouldn’t explain why opening a new rhino window would work.
Like when Rhino window A is locked to pan, opening a new Rhino window B, B would still be able to rotate. both are open at the same time, switch back to A, and it’d still be locked to pan.

Well there’s nothing in Rhino that’s possibly going to do that except making it into a parallel view.