This is not so nice! For some reasons I can not update it , I have download several times an this message appears again??? How can I fix it?
Uninstall rhino.inside.revit first. Then install.
Thanks Scott Davidson!
@Aziz.BOUKARA See the version under that prompt that says 0.0.766**
That’s an old RIR version. Seems like Revit might be running this from another directory. Take a look at both %PROGRAMDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addin\20XX
and %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\Addin\20XX
for RIR .addin
files. After uninstalling RIR there should not be any left on your machine. Then reinstall the latest. Version should read 0.3.***
Merci beaucoup…
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