The drop down arrow for layer in Properties or Block Manager is not working? It works fine in regular Rhino, but the arrow is unresponsive in Rhino inside Revit. It happens all the time, so it doesn’t seem like just one time issue.
We’ll take a look, can you provide your about info? Thanks
[Expanded Information]
Rhino: 8.5.24072.13001 (Rhino 8)
Revit: 2022.1.5 (
CLR: 4.0.30319.42000 (4.8.9181.0)
OS: Microsoft Windows NT 10.0.22631.0
Not able to reproduce here, is this happen with no Grasshopper definition active? A small example of you GH that reproduces the issue would be helpful.
Please try to repeat in our latest service release. Thanks
Could you please try in the latest official release?
It happens with complete new documents even before opening Grasshopper
Lets do a repair install of Rhino 8 via Windows>Add & Remove Programs> Modify> Repair
Please run SystemInfo in your Rhino command line and paste the results. Thanks
systeminfo before or after Repair?
Also, does repair change any settings? revert to default?
SystemInfo is going to tell us about your Video Configuration as well as any 3rd party plugins you are running.
A Repair Install will revert to the default settings.
I’m a bit worried if I can’t get all the settings back to what I’ve changed. Hopefully this tells you something. I’m using a laptop with two external monitors.
Rhino 8 SR5 2024-3-12 (Rhino 8, 8.5.24072.13001, Git hash:master @ e3530849b75f00b2b977766a567ae29b055837e9)
License type: Commercial, build 2024-03-12
License details: Cloud Zoo
Windows 11 (10.0.22631 SR0.0) or greater (Physical RAM: 32GB)
.NET 7.0.0
Computer platform: LAPTOP - Plugged in [75% battery remaining]
Non-hybrid graphics configuration.
Primary display and OpenGL: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090 Laptop GPU (NVidia) Memory: 16GB, Driver date: 3-12-2024 (M-D-Y). OpenGL Ver: 4.6.0 NVIDIA 551.86
> Integrated accelerated graphics device with 4 adapter port(s)
- Windows Main Display is laptop’s integrated screen or built-in port
- Secondary monitor attached to adapter port #1
- Secondary monitor attached to adapter port #2
Primary OpenGL: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090 Laptop GPU (NVidia) Memory: 16GB, Driver date: 3-12-2024 (M-D-Y). OpenGL Ver: 4.6.0 NVIDIA 551.86
> Integrated accelerated graphics device with 4 adapter port(s)
- Windows Main Display is laptop’s integrated screen or built-in port
- Secondary monitor attached to adapter port #1
- Secondary monitor attached to adapter port #2
OpenGL Settings
Safe mode: Off
Use accelerated hardware modes: On
Redraw scene when viewports are exposed: On
Graphics level being used: OpenGL 4.6 (primary GPU’s maximum)
Anti-alias mode: 4x
Mip Map Filtering: Linear
Anisotropic Filtering Mode: High
Vendor Name: NVIDIA Corporation
Render version: 4.6
Shading Language: 4.60 NVIDIA
Driver Date: 3-12-2024
Driver Version:
Maximum Texture size: 32768 x 32768
Z-Buffer depth: 24 bits
Maximum Viewport size: 32768 x 32768
Total Video Memory: 16376 MB
Rhino plugins that do not ship with Rhino
C:\Users\lsong\AppData\Roaming\McNeel\Rhinoceros\8.0\Plug-ins\D5Conv (e0d5e210-02f6-4ee9-a2b0-1675e225d958)\\Rhino 8\D5Conv.rhp “D5 Sync for Rhino”
Rhino plugins that ship with Rhino
C:\Program Files\Rhino 8\Plug-ins\Commands.rhp “Commands” 8.5.24072.13001
C:\Program Files\Rhino 8\Plug-ins\WebBrowser.rhp “WebBrowser”
C:\Program Files\Rhino 8\Plug-ins\rdk.rhp “Renderer Development Kit”
C:\Program Files\Rhino 8\Plug-ins\RhinoScript.rhp “RhinoScript”
C:\Program Files\Rhino 8\Plug-ins\IdleProcessor.rhp “IdleProcessor”
C:\Program Files\Rhino 8\Plug-ins\RhinoRenderCycles.rhp “Rhino Render” 8.5.24072.13001
C:\Program Files\Rhino 8\Plug-ins\rdk_etoui.rhp “RDK_EtoUI” 8.5.24072.13001
C:\Program Files\Rhino 8\Plug-ins\NamedSnapshots.rhp “Snapshots”
C:\Program Files\Rhino 8\Plug-ins\MeshCommands.rhp “MeshCommands” 8.5.24072.13001
C:\Program Files\Rhino 8\Plug-ins\RhinoCycles.rhp “RhinoCycles” 8.5.24072.13001
C:\Program Files\Rhino 8\Plug-ins\RhinoCode\RhinoCodePlugin.rhp “RhinoCodePlugin” 8.5.24072.13001
C:\Program Files\Rhino 8\Plug-ins\Toolbars\Toolbars.rhp “Toolbars” 8.5.24072.13001
C:\Program Files\Rhino 8\Plug-ins\3dxrhino.rhp “3Dconnexion 3D Mouse”
C:\Program Files\Rhino 8\Plug-ins\BlockEdit.rhp “BlockEdit” 8.5.24072.13001
C:\Program Files\Rhino 8\Plug-ins\Displacement.rhp “Displacement”
C:\Program Files\Rhino 8\Plug-ins\SectionTools.rhp “SectionTools”
Still doesn’t work with 3rd party plugged in turned off. To be clear, the layer dropdown in Properties panel works just fine in regular Rhino.
Also, strangely in Rhino inside Revit, other dropdowns work fine. It’s just Layer dropdown that’s not working.
This seems isolated to your environment. A few more things we can do to troubleshoot.
Test with only one monitor active.
Test with no other Revit Addins loaded. Rhino.Inside®.Revit