Rhino.Inside Revit "Create Shaft" component error

Hello, forgive me if this is an obvious question, but I don’t have Python knowledge and I am trying to use the “Create Shaft” User Object provided here:

The Python script will not run - I am getting the following runtime error:
Runtime error (ImportException): No module named External

line 15, in script

The script line in question is calling this module:
from RhinoInside.Revit.External.DB import Extensions

Am I missing something on my machine or software to allow for the use of this module?

The following is the info on my RhinoInside.Revit version:

Please let me know if there is more info you need to answer this question.

EDIT: to be sure, I am just trying to create a floor opening, and I came across this thread that just pointed towards this “Create Shaft” component: Slabs/Floors with Opening - #7 by chen.qiu

Hi Hailey, I’ll take a look at it. You will be pleased to know that these are the next components being added.

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I misspoke, it has been added to the latest Daily Build and is available for testing.

offsets are available via the ZUI (Zoom User Interface), zoom in to see the plus or minus to add the variable.

Amazing, thank you that worked perfectly!