Hello everyone, I just started learning Rhinoceros 3D and I find it amazing, I really like it.
Now, I have a problem with toolbars and menu, they are just too confusing to me, so I wanna ask for help and see how you tackle issues I have. I don’t find toolbars / menus confusing, I find them organized really bad.
There are a lot of Rhino commands, and that’s good, it makes Rhino powerful. But it also makes it intimidating for someone who just started learning Rhino. Its like, you have a lot of commands to try out and learn what they do, but on top of that, same command is listed in multiple toolbars, and it adds to the confusion.
For example, “Curve Drawing” toolbar has some commands that help you draw a curve, and it has "Control Drawing Curve command, that is a “drop down” that shows you more commands, and that listed commands, they are the same commands listed in the first toolbar already, they are just repeated, like 50% of them are accessible from the original toolbar. And its like that for all toolbars.
Why have a “drop down” toolbar, that lists 50% of the same commands that exist in original toolbar? It just adds to the confusion, and makes it hard to remmember where is the command you are looking for.
So then I said fine, it is just too confusing to memorize all of the commands, I’m gonna go through all the menu commands and just ignore toolbars and use menu, its a good way to memorize names of commands instead just visualizing icons in my head and tie an icon to a command. So I started going through all the commands and realized there are some commands that are available through toolbar icons, but not through menu. Its just insane. For example commands like “AddGuide” and " ShowEnds" are not available through menu.
So my idea to go through all commands using menu failed as all commands are not listed there.
This is really a huge confusion, there are multiple ways to start a command, but there is no single way to lists all commands in a neat and clean way, that is easy to remember so when you need a command its easy to find. I like how Menu is grouped and organized, but I guess not all commands are there.
What I would like to have is have all commands that exist available through Menus, in a organized way, without repeating. Same thing for Toolbars, have all commands available through toolbars, but without repeating and having duplicate commands in different toolbars, this just adds to confusion and makes using Rhino harder. Its hard to memorize where is your command when you find it in a different place each time.
And now as I’m learning, I would like to go through all the commands, explore them so I can see what Rhino can do, and remember what it can do so when I get into a situation I wanna do something, I will know that there is a command that can help me. But its hard since Toolbars are in a mess.
I just think Toolbars are too confusing! Its like there are 10 places in toolbars where you can access the same command, but you can’t access all the commands. Menus are well organized, but now as I’m going through commands I see not all commands are listed there, so if I wanna access commands only through menus, I won’t be able to access them all.
Does anyone have problems like this? How did you tackle this?