The crashes started happening 9 months ago and had gotten to the point where the computer would crash after 10 minutes of turning on the computer even when I do not open Rhino. Mac wiped the computer and reinstalled MacOS and did not find any hardware problems. Everything worked fine for a few weeks but now Rhino crashes every time I save in grasshopper as well as other random times. The random Rhino crashes seem to be getting more frequent. Help please!
Can you please provide some additional information? Please navigate to Rhinoceros > About Rhinoceros > More Info > Copy to clipboard and paste the information back in here?
In order to address the problem, we need to be able to reproduce it on our end, so any steps you can provide (small details often matter) to help us see what you are seeing are appreciated.
One other question: have you tried the Grasshopper in the latest RhinoWIP? I would be curious to hear if it is more stable or not.
The latest crash happened using grasshopper. The last thing I did was to load new images into an image sampler. The crash was not immediate, but a minute later. This also happens anytime I save grasshopper.
I have not tried the latest RhinoWIP, but I will give that a shot.