Rhino Curvature Analysis Not working

Hello! Im trying to use the curvature analysis command on rhino and it is all showing up as one colour even when i press auto range. Does anyone know the solution to this, Thank you!

For Mcneel.3dm (12.5 MB)

Works for me in V8:
Min radius, Auto Range:

The object is a long distance from the world origin. That can cause display problems, but more recent versions of Rhino have fewer problems with distance from origin. Try moving the objec closer to the world origin. ( Do not set Cplane origin to the object).

(Point on object: Point in world coordinates = -133976.91,23615.55,126827.80 CPlane coordinates = -142559.59,16406.88,131011.68)

Run the Rhino command SystemInfo and post the results.

works here too-

+1 for this object is too far from the origin.

Thank you so much!