The gremlins have got me now - Rhino crashes when I try launching Grasshopper - several tries including reboot.
Not sure if it’s connected, but for some time I’ve had error messages when it gets to “GH Python” load…I’ve included some screen shots.
These error messages have never affected the running of Grasshopper.
That’s good at least we see the same thing.
I just sent a mail about Rhino crash - I’ve fixed it by Rena long the disabled plugins we tried. But I’d really appreciate your opinion on these error messages I’m getting on GH python load on GH launch.
This is most likely not GhPython, but another installed GHA that is acting up (the arduino message box seems like an awful good hint.) I would recommend trying the GrasshopperLoadOneByOne command to try and figure out which GHA is acting up.
No, don’t delete GhPython. I highly doubt this is the real source of the problem. There is another component that is interfering. Can you show me your list of installed GHAs?
if you type GrasshopperDeveloperSettings a window will pop up
there you can click on the eye icon to see all the folders on your PC from which Grasshopper is looking for plugins
I had a lot of mess in there, my “Download” folder was also in the list somehow, I had several plugins loaded which I didn’t really want to load
you can’t touch any directory which is greyed out, but if it happens you have added any on your own, you can remove them
also, you can explore the ocntent of those folders, yuou never know…
you can ignore all the folders that are under McNeel\Rhinoceros\packages… because probably you did not copy/paste anything there, same for Rhino7\plugins\Grasshopper\Components
about the “could not find arduino.exe” error in particular, it comes from Firefly plugin
just create an empty text file somewhere in a folder on your HD and rename it to arduino.exe
next time you launch GH and asks for arduino.exe, point to that file and the error will disappear
Do you have any news on these subjets?
Also, I’ve noticed a change in the pdf export - the scale of the image of the exported object, compared to “sheet size” seems to have changed considerably - it’s much smaller now, so to “fill” the sheet, I have to zoom in so the object is bigger then th rhino viewport.
Have you done any changes? I think I did a software update last week, but I can’t be sure if it’s related.