Rhino.Compute and Hops failes to run my grasshopper scripts in 8.12
Heres what I know
Running rhino.compute locally with Rhino 8.11 installed, everything works fine!
With 8.12 I get the TaskCancelledException after 100s when running grasshopper scripts (via compute), did not occur in 8.11, script typically finishes in ~2-5 seconds.
New python component hangs grasshopper script when running via compute
The issue (Compute-301) regarding the error with the Python scripting component has been fixed and it should work properly in the next public release of Rhino 8.14 (which should happen next Tuesday afternoon). Please try downloading this new version of Rhino when it becomes available and let us know if you run into any further issues. Thanks for reporting this.
Is there a way we can update Rhino to latest SR Candidate on IIS following this procedure? I guess it’s not good practice to update by hand to Service Release Candidate.
Unfortunately, the only link we have for direct downloads points to the latest official “stable” branch which is always a month behind the latest SR releases. So, the latest stable branch is 8.13 even though the first release of 8.14 SR was released yesterday afternoon.