Rhino 9 Feature: Global Edge Continuity

The continuity between surface edge pairs can be analyzed with EdgeContinuity

When you want to analyze a large number of edge pairs however, GlobalEdgeContinuity helps to get a quick overview of the continuity between surfaces in your model. GlobalEdgeContinuity will automatically match edge pairs for evaluation.

There are two ways to analyze edge pairs:

  1. Select a single surface and run the command. It will find all matching surfaces that surround the selected surface.
  2. Select multiple surfaces and run the command. It will analyze all edge pairs between the selected surfaces.

GlobalEdgeContinuity evaluates positional (G0), tangent (G1) and curvature (G2) continuity between surfaces. The feedback is both numerical as well as graphical using edge coloring and graphs.

To try out GlobalEdgeContinuity, download the latest version of Rhino WIP.

An introduction and more information can be found here.

For people already familiar with the tool, the version that is now being developed for Rhino 9 has a couple of differences.

  • Curvature (G2) analysis code has been rewritten. It now fully matches the results of EdgeContinuity.
  • Added an extra G2 tolerance setting for marking edges G2 (G2 relative tolerance).
  • You can now select edges with up and down arrow keys.
  • You can deselect a marked edge, to remove the deviation balloons.
  • Simplified the edge feedback texts.
  • Only labels of edges that need attention are now shown (when “List Good Edges” is turned off).
  • Added a G0 Filter. This is basically the max. search distance for edge matching. For best results, keep this value as small as possible.

PS: Special thanks to @CallumSykes who helped me greatly in cleaning up and restructuring the code.


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