Rhino 8 vs Rhino 7


Between Rhino 8 and Rhino 7, Which one is more stable and overall better for Grasshopper users. including Plugins and simulations.
Also are files created in Rhino 8, backward compatible?
Thank you

What type of simulations?

Rhino 8 files can be saved down to Rhino 7, a Rhino 8 license holder can also get Rhino 7 or 6 keys here… Rhino - Downloads

The big change in Rhino 8 is the .Net version, which is an issue all windows software has to address at some point. Older plugins that run .netframework and haven’t been updated can be run in Rhino 8, we recommend the new shortcut version. Rhino - .NET Core vs .NET Framework

A lot depends on your workflows, there are new integrations between Rhino and Grasshopper in Rhino 8 that have a lot of potential.

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If you’re interested in a mixed workflow with referencing and baking geometry back and forth between Rhino, Grasshopper and external sources, the biggest change in my opinion is the new set of Grasshopper Rhino components. In the past I’ve used Elefront for similar workflows but the new components are native Rhino tools so my partners don’t need to install anything and overall the performance is just better with the new tools.


In my company we all have GH and GH-Rhino.Inside definitions developed on Rhino 7. Now we would like to upgrade our Rhino Licenses to Rhino 8. What are the consequences that are likely to happen?
More in specific:

  • Will our GH Definitions developed on Rhino 7 run on GH/Rhino8?
  • How about if our GH-Rhino7 definitions which include nodes from packages (such as Ladybug, Honeybee, Elefront, Kangaroo). Will these script be read automatically?
  • Will our GH-Rhino.Inside definitions run on Rhino.Inside Revit 2025?

thank you in advance


There are too many variables between the different environments and plugins to give you a definitive yes/no.

The potential issues are scripting/plugins that reference older .netframework, particularly when running in Revit 2025, which is another .Net change (they are in .netcore 8). Kangaroo is a native Grasshopper plugin and is up to date.

You can get a 90 day trial (per user) of Rhino 8 that is a fully functional version. Please give that a go and get back to us with any questions.