With rhino 7 all renders as it should, but in rhino 8 surface thickening is just gone when rendering.
Hi Tomas,
nor does Edge Softening ?!
Hi, there
Some object modifiers do not currently work, since some interfaces in Rhino 8 changed, and V-Ray is not yet adapted. To be more precise, an adapted version is not released yet.
There are other breaking changes in V8 as well, not only edge softening.
A V-Ray update is scheduled to be released very soon. It will address these issues.
So if i upgrade to rhino 8 i need to buy new vray too?
V-Ray 6.20 supports Rhino 8, so if you were on 6 already, you don’t need to buy new V-Ray, just update.
Mind that Curve Piping still doesn’t work, unfortunately. We will have that fixed asap in another release shortly
vray next
So upgraded to v-ray 6, but thickening still not rendering. I have very many paper models with this feature needed. any idea when this will be fixed?
Vray 6 v6.2 all works now!
Rhino 8 changed the CRM interface, that the plugins use to fetch the custom render meshes. Thus it didn’t work initially, until the new interface was implemented in V-Ray. This happened in V-Ray 6.20.00, released shortly after the official Rhino 8 release - Dec 8th 2023. You will need to use at least version for the thickening (shut linting, displacement, and all other modifiers) to work.
The current version of V-Ray for Rhino 8 is 6.20.02 released yesterday