Rhino 8 Service Release Candidate Available

Rhino 8 SR8 Release Candidate 5 for Windows and Mac (8.8.24149) is now available
Requires Rhino 8

To get it, subscribe to the Release Candidate update stream

Bugs Fixed:

  • Display: Raytraced mode fails when clipping fill is enabled (RH-82120)
  • Grasshopper: Inconsistent Text Height and Arrow Size on Leaders (RH-81865)
  • OSnap: Snapping to Occluded (RH-82190)
  • Print: Vector PDF lines issue (RH-82109)
  • RhinoStart: Initial startup is surprisingly slow V8 for Windows (RH-79171)
  • Shrinkwrap: Some TextField boxes - RibbonOffset, QuadRemesh, ShrinkWrap - slow (MAC) (RH-82089)

Crashes Fixed:

  • Layer: Only allows dragging name column to reorder (RH-82159)

Mac-Only Changes

Bugs Fixed:

  • Panels: Rename Linetype loses focus (RH-82171)