Rhino 8 Service Release Candidate Available

Rhino 8 SR5 Release Candidate 5 for Windows and Mac (8.5.24058) is now available
Requires Rhino 8

Bugs Fixed:

  • Extend: ExtendDynmanic deletes input (RH-80606)
  • MeshIntersect: Technical Display Mesh/Mesh Intersections Missing Segments (RH-76568)
  • Rendering: Texture Mapping: New test command TestFillInLegacyTextureCoordinates (RH-80470)
  • SDK: RhinoCommon: RhinoCommon SDK: LayerTable.Duplicate method returns empty int even when successful (RH-80624)
  • Selection: ExtractSrf: Subobject picking may miss a face (RH-80584)

Features Added:

  • File IO: Wish: A "pack and go" tool to bundle up Linked blocks (RH-60896)

Regressions Fixed:

  • Layer: Layer" Nested Blocks not hiding/showing correct geometry in preview when layers turn on/off (RH-80418)
  • ScriptEditor: Grasshopper sources in project report incorrect paths (RH-80603)

Mac-Only Changes

Bugs Fixed:

Windows-Only Changes

Bugs Fixed:

  • Section Tools: clipping drawing not updating (RH-80638)

Rhino 8 SR5 Release Candidate 6 for Windows and Mac (8.5.24065) is now available
Requires Rhino 8

Bugs Fixed:

  • SDK: RhinoCommon: Setting MenuVisible false hides OSnap panel (RH-80714)
  • ScriptEditor: Python subprocess keeps Rhino file open (RH-73933)
  • Selection: Selection - control polygon visibility (RH-80725)
  • SelectionFilter: "Others" option missing from horizontal layout (RH-80712)
  • Toolbar:
    • Appearance is not saved when saving rui file (RH-79744)
    • Saving .rui resets both toolbars and buttons appearance to default (RH-80764)

Regressions Fixed:

  • OSnap: Osnaps - right click on Disable (RH-80762)
  • SetDocumentUserText: Document user text broken in v8 (RH-80683)

Mac-Only Changes

Bugs Fixed:

  • PluginManager: PluginManager cut off on Mac (RH-80761)

Performance Improvements:

  • Display Metal: Display performance in Metal Arctic (RH-78033)

Windows-Only Changes

Bugs Fixed:

  • Rendering: Cycles: HDR Light Studio environments don't work correctly (RH-80780)

Rhino 8 SR6 Release Candidate 1 for Windows and Mac (8.6.24074) is now available
Requires Rhino 8

Bugs Fixed:

  • CPython Env Reset Doesn't Reimport Modules (RH-79880)
  • Annotation: Hatch: Matching properties incorrectly adds hatch to group (RH-80620)
  • BlendCrv: History update problem (RH-59212)
  • BlockManager: Issue about listing definitions without instances (RH-69713)
  • ChangeLayer: Select Not Using Sublayer (RH-80799)
  • Code Editor Control: ScriptEditor: Break points not displayed (RH-80902)
  • Displacement: Displacement map recalculates on move and rotate (RH-72387)
  • Display:
    • Technical Display Varies if Block is Involved (RH-80721)
    • Raytrace kills locked object display (RH-80703)
    • “Show shadows only” fails with self-illuminating ground plane material (RH-80599)
    • Clipped block instances not displayed correctly in technical modes (RH-80614)
    • Flickers intermittently for a split second (RH-75091)
    • Image backgrounds in Detail views don’t print/tile correctly (RH-80670)
    • Ground plane in detail views gets clipped (RH-80532)
    • Two Point Perspective shows horizon line (RH-80177)
  • Document UserText:
    • Key editing in panel does not create Undo record (RH-43816)
    • SetDocumentUserText command not undo-able (RH-43817)
  • DraftAngleAnalysis: Draft angle curves don't get generated on second file (RH-80483)
  • ExtractPipedCurve: Creates invalid mesh (RH-74078)
  • ExtrudeCrvTapered:
  • File IO:
    • Case where VCs are read wrong from an OBJ file… (RH-80953)
    • Save as OBJ doesn’t save all textures (RH-80831)
    • FBX import scatters objects when mapping Y axis to Z (RH-80890)
    • SaveACopy: Cannot save file without time stamp (RH-80772)
    • DWG import/export has issues about backslash symbol (RH-76727)
  • FilletEdge: Filleting on multiple objects with Preview=Yes does not preview all results (RH-80809)
  • Grasshopper:
    • Can’t Offset Loose with less than 2 units of length (RH-80564)
    • Slider expression rounding issue (RH-80444)
    • Incorrect preview when no annotation style is assigned (RH-80864)
  • Grasshopper 2: GH2 documentation fails to show. (RH-80701)
  • Grasshopper: Components: C# component not saving input hint (RH-80561)
  • Group: RemoveFromGroup command - Toggling Copy option clears current selection (RH-80803)
  • Gumball:
    • Should remember SubD subobject orientations (RH-79013)
    • Extrude relocates gumball of extruded object (RH-80522)
    • Relocate does not show snap highlight (RH-80451)
    • Relocate does not snap to occluded positions (RH-80439)
  • Isolate: Undo breaks Unisolate (RH-57579)
  • Keyboard Shortcuts: Default shortcuts cannot be overridden (RH-80307)
  • Layout: Editing name in Layouts panel ignores case change (RH-80833)
  • Lights: Skylight intensity adjustment fails (RH-80759)
  • Localization: Concatenation issue (RH-80558)
  • Make2D: Draws clipped block instances as unclipped (RH-80723)
  • Mesh:
    • Grasshopper: Mesh Eval component gives incorrect points for non triangulated meshes (RH-65889)
    • Exporting presets reports fake failure (RH-80493)
  • Ortho: Tracking along Z axis is forbidden with shallow view angles (RH-80760)
  • PointGrid: Failure caused by grid size limitation (RH-80507)
  • Print:
    • Section Styles not Printing in Vector Output (RH-80609)
    • request: add option for including the filename for layouts that are saved as separate files (RH-78902)
    • PDF or Image file repeats gradient background (RH-20508)
  • PrintPreview: Add "Model Unit" Scaling to linetype (RH-79551)
  • Properties: Hatch page slows down operations (RH-80538)
  • RDK: Problem with CRM sample code (RH-79937)
  • Rendering:
    • Saving depth channel should not alter information put into it (RH-80330)
    • Adjusting ground plane texture makes it disappear in Raytraced mode (RH-80625)
    • Texture mapping changes don’t update in Raytraced mode (RH-80626)
    • Editing material triggers unnecessary re-calculation of edge softening (RH-80340)
    • Material Ids and Object Ids not visualized properly (RH-80263)
    • Depth channel lacking resolution (RH-61748)
  • Rendering: Content Panels: Sliders are hard to use (RH-80433)
  • Rendering: Texture Mapping:
    • Applying per-face material reverts top level object to UV mapping (RH-46932)
    • Planar mapping inconsistent on SubD (RH-59962)
  • Rendering: Textures: OpenGL previews broken on Mac with dots texture (RH-80573)
  • SDK: ModelComponent.TextureMapping unimplemented (RH-80456)
  • SDK: RhinoCommon: MessageBox not wrapping (RH-80166)
  • ScriptEditor:
    • Old tags don’t show up on published components (RH-78088)
    • Gumball does not show when script ends (RH-79039)
    • Does not show Gumball on selected face (RH-79525)
    • Improve error capture on display conduits (RH-80928)
    • Project scripts in IronPython should show the correct icon (RH-78106)
    • Python 3 does not autocomplete DriveInfo (RH-80427)
    • RUI files from ScriptEditor will have tags if dark icon is not specified (RH-80820)
    • ScriptInstance does not throw ExecuteException (RH-80755)
    • Fix installing dlib in CPython (RH-77989)
    • Sometimes empties script if also open in VSCode (RH-80416)
    • Modify published plugins to load RhinoCodePlugin (RH-80394)
  • Selection: Dot picking fails (RH-80574)
  • SetDisplayMode:
    • SetObjectDisplayMode: Ignores wire settings (RH-80690)
    • Special characters in display mode names cause multiple issues… (RH-80485)
  • SubD: Sharp edges:
    • Bug on torus (RH-80676)
    • Sharp info is lost when inserting an edge (RH-80388)
    • OffsetSubD reflect issue (RH-76871)
    • Glitchy across interior creases (RH-80633)
    • Reflect: Not quite the same on both sides (RH-80535)
  • Surface-surface intersection: NonManifoldMerge and trim type issue (RH-77064)
  • Templates: Notes missing from Small mm Small inches feet template files (RH-80208)
  • TextField: Volume units on layout issue (RH-80815)
  • Toolbar:
    • Saving a RUI file doesn’t store the menu associated with it (RH-79994)
    • Cannot delete toolbar group (RH-79987)
    • Importing or pasting SVG takes a long time or hangs Rhino (RH-79884)
    • Don’t save diff files for custom RUI files (RH-80791)
    • Tooltip shows up after cursor leaving the button (RH-80270)
  • UDT: SubD captive incorrectly released from cage when whole control object is moved (RH-80426)
  • UVEditor: Edited object show gray and black (RH-50599)


  • ScriptEditor:
    • Simplify menu items names. Maybe bring the icons back to visualize state? (RH-78550)
    • Shows unnecessary tooltips (RH-80484)

Crashes Fixed:

  • OpenNURBS: Repeatable crash in Mesh.CreateFromIterativeCleanup (RH-80032)
  • Rendering: Crash opening EXR without alpha channel (RH-80730)
  • ScriptEditor: C# script with NuGet reference crashes on non-ui thread (RH-79758)


  • Annotation: Hatch: Allows selecting with Shift and Ctrl key on import list (RH-80699)
  • BlockManager:
    • Added “status bar” that shows selection count etc. (RH-80370)
    • Supports searching block definitions with wildcards (RH-80369)
  • Documentation: /runscript command line documentation improvement (RH-80848)
  • File IO:
    • Show failure message when WAMIT (*.gdf) export encounters invalid meshes (RH-80729)
    • DWG/DXF import supports 4, 8, 12 for DimZin variable (RH-80400)
    • OBJ insert does not show linked referenced layers (RH-79903)
  • Grasshopper:
    • GH Point Deform now works with SubD vertices (RH-80640)
    • Added serialization to GH_Number param to read/write AngleParameter property (RH-80595)
    • Link to Learn from Help (RH-80497)
  • Gumball: Alignment mode now sticks across Rhino sessions (RH-80583)
  • History: Dimension position failure case (RH-80816)
  • Ortho: Added ShowOrthoHashMarks advanced setting for turning off angle hash marks (RH-80798)
  • Print:
    • Section pattern not drawn in vector PDF (RH-79736)
    • Remembers the last unit settings (RH-80193)
  • RebuildEdges: Now removes micro naked edges (RH-80666)
  • Rendering:
    • Render Window - Enable menu and toolbar entries only for added channels (RH-80476)
    • Clipping planes now clip geometry but not lighting (RH-75825)
  • ScriptEditor:
    • Support importing cs files in cs scripts using #load directive (RH-80364)
    • Fold using and notes sections in Grasshopper init scripts (RH-78546)
    • -ScriptEditor _Run now supports using system environment variables in file path (RH-80852)
    • -ScriptEditor _Run now looks in Rhino’s search path (RH-80851)
    • Added a “Add/Install Package” to the dashboard that installs a package on active script (RH-79155)
  • Section Tools: Added PrintWidth=ByLayer/ByInputObject option to ClippingDrawings and EditClippingDrawings commands (RH-80218)
  • Selection: SelKey, SelValue, and SelKeyValue commands support wildcards "?" and "~" (RH-80384)

Features Added:

  • Grasshopper: Added new datatype for Lights (RH-79341)

Performance Improvements:

  • ScriptEditor: Minimize RhinoCodePlugin assembly loading footprint on Rhino start (RH-80380)

Regressions Fixed:

  • Gumball: Location not saved for individual objects in v8 (RH-80353)
  • LineTypeDisplay: PatternBySegment ignored in V8 (RH-80715)
  • Print: No dialog appears (RH-80907)
  • ScriptEditor:
    • Pythonnet IReadOnlyList[str] is not Array[str] (RH-80652)
    • Provide support for _ResetEngine option in RunPythonScript (RH-80381)

SDK Enhancement:

  • SDK: RhinoCommon: Allows updating status bar progress label (RH-80733)

UI Change:

  • Annotation: Linetype: Changed text buttons in Linetypes document properties to icon buttons (RH-80449)
  • Containers: Hide "Show Panels" menu item on containers with only toolbars (RH-79980)
  • Section Tools: ShowSolidClipping is renamed to ShowSolid in NestedClippingDrawing command (RH-80158)

Usability Problems Fixed:

  • ScriptEditor:
    • Does not show any indication of errors when Problem tab icon is turned off in Rhino options (RH-79151)
    • Confirm clear recents (RH-80927)
    • Display language init progress on GH component (RH-80510)
    • Script Editor to notify when installing packages but make it block the UI (RH-79324)
    • Move Toggle debug trays from Run menu to Window menu (RH-78549)
    • Add scripts path to PATH when launching Python3 shell (RH-80719)
    • Console panel buttons on the right are less discoverable (RH-80717)
    • Improved package install visual feedback (RH-80718)
    • New file from template does not add second file (RH-78599)
    • Allows modifying compact options from the Window menu (RH-78551)
    • File dialog opens behind editor (RH-80210)
    • Stop debug on error (RH-79790)
    • Allows scrolling through document tabs with mouse wheel (RH-79431)

Mac-Only Changes

Bugs Fixed:

  • Modeling Aids: OSnap highlight setting on Mac doesn't change anything (RH-80452)
  • Print: Print Dialog Needs Close Button on Mac to Save Changes (RH-80650)
  • Rendering: Materials:
    • Substance material black in Rendered display mode (RH-80316)
    • Black in Rendered display mode (RH-80371)
  • ScriptEditor: Cannot run script without first opening the editor (RH-80560)
  • Toolbar:
    • Floating panel containers behaving badly (RH-80039)
    • Button editor starts off blank (RH-79555)
    • Remove Worksession toolbar from Mac (RH-80414)
  • ViewCaptureToFile:
    • Fails to save high resolution PNG with transparent background (RH-78401)
    • ViewCaptureToFIle: High resolution error (RH-80533)
  • WindowLayout:
    • Reset to default Window Layout won’t restore (RH-79910)
    • Losing custom layout all the time (RH-79838)


  • Display: Added NURBS surface remeshing toggle and timing settings for Nudge keys to Advanced settings (RH-80496)

Regressions Fixed:

  • Containers: Don't stay in place when opening new document (RH-80204)

Windows-Only Changes

Bugs Fixed:

  • Annotation: Linetype: "Add Defaults" not working properly on Windows (RH-80740)
  • BlockManager: Should use block names on export (RH-57137)
  • Display:
    • OpenGL/Metal preview wrong for 2D Checker Texture (RH-80587)
    • Render Material Not Displaying for Clipped Block (RH-70874)
  • Rendering: Texture Mapping: Procedural texture on sub-object has seams and when editing mapping on single objects (RH-69154)
  • SDK: RhinoCommon:
    • RhPicture not loading properly in V7 (RH-65100)
    • RhinoDoc.ExtractPreviewImage does not work as advertised (RH-80425)
  • Section Tools: ExportClippingDrawings: Fail on elevations (RH-80885)
  • UVEditor: Importing geometry with UVEditor open causes error message (RH-80099)

Regressions Fixed:

  • Display: Receives Shadows setting is broken in V8 (RH-80390)

UI Change:

  • CommandPrompt: Added "Paste as plain text" to context menu of Command-line (RH-69168)
  • Print: Added a Close button print dialog (RH-76918)

Rhino 8 SR6 Release Candidate 2 for Windows and Mac (8.6.24079) is now available
Requires Rhino 8

Bugs Fixed:

  • ClippingPlane: Higher Precision Depth Setting (RH-80996)
  • Help: ExtractSrf options (RH-80528)
  • Properties: : Delete key (RH-81014)
  • Rendering: Environment rotation not updating in Raytraced display mode (RH-80731)
  • TextField: DetailScale issue (RH-80964)
  • Units: Cannot script AbsoluteTolerance (RH-81016)


  • SDK: RhinoCommon: Added SaveToLibraryFile method for textures (RH-80872)

Rhino 8 SR6 Release Candidate 3 for Windows and Mac (8.6.24086) is now available
Requires Rhino 8

Bugs Fixed:

  • Print - Pen Display issue when picking window (RH-81082)
  • Displacement: Moving object recalculates displacement mesh (RH-72387)
  • Display: GPU tessellation setting makes highlighted edges not look as good as they did in v7 (RH-73635)
  • Gumball: Oriented to Plane in Block regression (RH-80593)
  • Layer: "Select Sublayer objects" does not work when sublayer not in search result (RH-80837)
  • LineTypeDisplay: LinetypeDisplay: DisplayLinetypes option does not work (RH-81101)
  • MacroLibrary: Macro dialog does not show icons in dark mode (RH-81065)
  • ScriptEditor:
    • Script component does not run when input has cast error (RH-81109)
    • Add undo support to editor to undo converting to script instance and other changes to script by editor host (RH-77882)
    • Sticky “Restore Packages” progress bar when running published commands (RH-81100)
    • List and Tree conversion error on null input has bad message (RH-81162)
  • SmartTrack: SmartOrtho and distance constraint (RH-81183)
  • Toolbar:

Crashes Fixed:

  • Toolbar: Deleting menu and saving the RUI hangs Rhino (RH-81069)

Regressions Fixed:

  • Volume: Issue with extrusions in blocks (RH-81079)

Usability Problems Fixed:

  • ScriptEditor: Python 3 to set locale before running script (RH-81130)

Mac-Only Changes

Bugs Fixed:

  • ImportOptions: Cannot import Rhino 7 Mac palettes into Rhino 8 Mac (RH-78809)
  • Print: Fake2D hidden dash length on macOS (RH-79537)

Regressions Fixed:

  • CommandHistory: Cmd-C not copying text to clipboard as in v7 (RH-81154)

Windows-Only Changes

Bugs Fixed:

  • Display: Issues when turning off GPU tessellation (RH-81046)
  • Toolbar: Toolbar appearance bug - overlapping buttons (RH-80766)
  • UI Appearance: Light mode icons are used in fly-outs (RH-77241)

Rhino 8 SR6 Release Candidate 4 for Windows and Mac (8.6.24093) is now available
Requires Rhino 8

Bugs Fixed:

  • Display: Curves move around when zooming in closely (RH-81185)
  • Grasshopper: Components: Model Attribute Key Selection breaks up when . is in Key (RH-81311)
  • Keyboard Shortcuts: Default shortcuts cannot be overridden (RH-80307)
  • Polyline: Flashing polyline control points - visual glitch (RH-81310)
  • Print: Printing gradient hatch issue (RH-79888)
  • ScriptEditor:
    • Python 3 converts polyline inputs to list of points (RH-81314)
    • GH editor closes on save and it is annoying (RH-81303)
    • Rectangle to Polyline type hints turns to point?! (RH-81302)
    • Python 3 stream wrapper does not have .fileno() method (RH-81299)
    • ghpythonlib CullDuplicates can not convert python 3 inputs (RH-81296)
    • Autocomplete over-population (RH-81248)
    • Add System.Linq as a default import to csharp templates (RH-81237)
    • Script param converter regression in 8.6 (RH-81269)
    • Add zoom support on terminal (RH-81243)
  • Toolbar: Importing SVG hangs button editor (RH-78367)
  • UI Appearance:
    • Toolbar height needs to snap to button heights. (RH-71925)
    • min height for toolbar tabs (RH-74842)


  • ScriptEditor: Add Option to avoid closing editor window when saving in GH (RH-80898)

Regressions Fixed:

  • Join: Duplicates disjoint SubDs (RH-81242)
  • ScriptEditor: Editor window ends up out of monitor bounds (RH-81318)

Usability Problems Fixed:

  • ScriptEditor: Cleanup NuGet package reference formats (RH-81308)

Windows-Only Changes

Bugs Fixed:

  • Toolbar: Restore Defaults on Size and Styles page doesn't (RH-81323)

Tasks Completed:

  • Help: Added traditional Chinese offline help for download (RH-80983)

Rhino 8 SR7 Release Candidate 1 for Windows and Mac (8.7.24101) is now available
Requires Rhino 8

Bugs Fixed:

  • Annotation: DimArea and DimCurveLength don't remember Type setting (RH-78877)
  • ArrayCrv: Command ends with no result if target curve is shorter than last used distance (RH-81288)
  • BlendSrf: Problem with periodic surface (RH-81448)
  • BlockManager: Block Definitions panel responses slow in larger projects (RH-81009)
  • ChamferEdge: Leaves gaps (RH-20898)
  • Developer Tools: Yak.exe fails with multi-targeted plugin (RH-80648)
  • Display:
    • Select blocks show transparent in Rendered and Arctic Display Modes (RH-80804)
    • Ghosted mode AA is off when not using the default background color (RH-78906)
    • Inserting a block mess up display (RH-80720)
    • SubD boundaries do not display locked color (RH-80965)
  • Export: Pressing Enter key when editing DPI continues PDF export instead of accepting DPI changes (RH-60075)
  • ExtrudeCrvTapered: Does not fill the corner at curve seam (RH-80869)
  • File IO:
    • Roundtrip the strings exported to 3mf (RH-81277)
    • glTF doesn’t export box mappings correctly (RH-81045)
    • OBJ export creates too many materials (RH-81245)
  • FilletSrf: FilletSrf* commands do not accept space key as Enter (RH-81072)
  • FlatShade: Doesn't work on Mac in v8 (RH-77946)
  • Grasshopper:
    • Curve Seam Location on Offset Regression (RH-81013)
    • Mesh Preview stops working as expected (RH-81196)
  • Grasshopper: Components: Model Material component can't be edited after material is set (RH-81190)
  • Gumball:
    • Free translation occasionally gets constrained (RH-80200)
    • AutoReset acts differently in Rhino 8 (RH-81205)
  • Installer: Shortcut error on install (RH-81233)
  • Isolate: Invert / Isolate doesn't work on annotation objects perpendicular to view (RH-81360)
  • Layer:
    • Changing Current Layer Disables Command Typing (RH-80790)
    • Reorder bug with drag and drop (RH-80754)
  • Localization: Concatenation issue (RH-80558)
  • Make2D: Failure in removing lines behind clipping plane caps (RH-77105)
  • NamedView: Name editing does not accept only case change (RH-81370)
  • Offset: Does not create caps when requested (RH-76297)
  • Ortho: Hash marks incorrectly appear with gumball scale (RH-80978)
  • Print:
    • Saving image file shows decimals for pixel units (RH-81068)
    • Saving image file shows too many decimals for width and height (RH-81200)
    • Options for Rhino PDF incorrectly visible other printers (RH-81199)
    • Print dialog missing window control buttons (RH-81067)
    • Vector output draws hidden lines in front (RH-80971)
  • Properties: Scripted hatch properties missing background color option (RH-81266)
  • PushPull: Makes object disappear (RH-79707)
  • RDK:
    • Child texture is not shown in tree view (RH-81256)
    • Modal Content editor name change bug (RH-81415)
    • Content details section is missing (RH-80411)
  • Rendering:
    • Does not restart when changing amount of some settings (RH-81096)
    • Mapping lock not working (RH-80677)
    • Saving rendering does not remember last used file format (RH-80379)
  • Rendering: Cycles: Textures in rhino environment aren't observing adjustments (RH-81386)
  • Rendering: Materials:
    • Tree view thumbnails refresh despite no changes (RH-74642)
    • Rhino hangs when quitting search in tree view (RH-81088)
  • Rendering: Texture Mapping:
    • Texture Mapping: Artifacts in custom mesh mapping (RH-43051)
    • Added TestFillInLegacyTextureCoordinates test command for correcting texture mapping in KeyShot (RH-80470)
  • SDK: IsLinear is not accessible from ON_Texture/DocObjects.Texture (RH-81175)
  • SDK: RhinoCommon:
    • Missing CRhinoPlugIn::AddToPlugInHelpMenu() and CRhinoPlugIn::OnDisplayPlugInHelp() (RH-81148)
    • ClippingPlaneObject.GetFillSurfaces makes no result with SubD (RH-67669)
  • ScriptEditor:
    • CSharp scripts shows incorrect error on this.Component of scriptinstance (RH-81345)
    • Output list of Circle can not convert to any hint (RH-81429)
    • Component does not send errors to out parameter (RH-81426)
    • Python- rs.ObjectsByType() glitch (RH-78831)
    • Pythonnet does not wrap return interface types correctly (RH-79621)
    • Pythonnet derived classes from dotnet types does not find python dunder methods (RH-80651)
    • Script.Instance RunScript output needs to be marshalled (RH-81136)
    • “type(obj) is” does not recognize the type correctly (RH-76942)
    • Try to install pip from embedded if get_pip fails (RH-80990)
  • Section Tools: ClippingSections command not always save useful named views (RH-81194)
  • SelBadObjects: Missing bad objects (RH-81184)
  • Shrinkwrap: Blocks with meshes return different meshes (RH-81387)
  • Toolbar:
    • Importing or pasting SVG takes a long time or hangs Rhino (RH-79884)
    • Flyout cascade down instead of to the right (RH-80269)
  • UDT: UTD: CageEdit preview not getting transformed to world coordinates (RH-81074)
  • UVEditor: Curve objects can not be copied into UV Editor (RH-79010)
  • UserText: Export keys with variable values (RH-56778)
  • WindowLayout: Incorrectly allows saving over built-in name (RH-73983)


  • Preferences: Bold value text truncated at bottom in Advanced settings (RH-58167)

Crashes Fixed:

  • Docking: Eto: Crash when resizing container (RH-80913)
  • Rendering: Textures: Save as Image with very high resolution crashes Rhino immediately (RH-80886)
  • Shade: Switch to new display mode crashes (RH-81006)


  • File IO:
    • Added custom metadata to 3mf export (RH-81320)
    • USD export prefixes mesh names with object name (RH-81145)
  • Grasshopper: Added "00 From Rhino to Grasshopper" tutorial file (RH-80498)
  • Layout:
    • Added “Print” to context menu in Layouts panel (RH-81187)
    • Print button in Layouts panel supports printing multiple selected layouts (RH-55300)
  • Print:
    • Allows setting file name prefix when saving each layout to a separate PDF file (RH-78902)
    • Offer layout name as the pdf file name (RH-64199)
  • Rendering: Sun settings use current local date and time by default (RH-80940)
  • SVG: Added gradient support to SVG export (RH-79097)
  • ScriptEditor:
    • Support hint/signature provider for python (RH-78115)
    • Search highlight uses different color for selected string (RH-80874)

Performance Improvements:

  • ScriptEditor: Printing to "Terminal" is slow (RH-78093)

Regressions Fixed:

  • Annotation: Hatch: Curve direction affects pattern orientation (RH-80855)
  • Context Menu: Recently used command list shows keyboard shortcuts instead of command names (RH-81115)
  • ExtendSrf:
  • Grasshopper: Extrusion object to mesh (RH-80861)
  • Make2D: Performance lower in v8 (RH-80901)
  • Offset: Curve.Offset Seam problem (RH-81253)
  • ScriptEditor:
    • Python derived classes do not follow str methods up the class chain if there is a break (RH-81027)
    • Stderr does not capture exceptions thrown from ScriptInstance (RH-80509)
    • Python int fails to convert to System.Boolean (RH-81272)
    • Change IList back to List type for input in GH (RH-81452)
    • Python 3 does not consider ObjectType.None as False (RH-80145)
    • Example script fails (RH-79614)

SDK Enhancement:

  • File IO: Added USD export options to RhinoCommon (RH-78794)
  • SDK:
    • Added SetCachedTextureCoordinatesFromMaterial and GetCachedTextureCoordinates to ON_Mesh (RH-80877)
    • Added variable radius fillet to C++ and .NET SDK (RH-81002)
  • SDK: RhinoCommon:
    • Exposed what Rhino.CheckNewObjects() does (RH-70968)
    • Hooked up export options for 3MF file (RH-81158)
    • Added SetCachedTextureCoordinatesFromMaterial and GetCachedTextureCoordinates to Rhino.Geometry.Mesh (RH-80878)
    • Exposed ON_Brep::GetTangentConnectedComponents (RH-81106)

UI Change:

  • Print: Added layout navigation buttons above preview area (RH-80692)

Usability Problems Fixed:

  • ScriptEditor:
    • Script editor ↔ Component cone wrong (RH-75781)
    • Reimplement editor positioning close to component (RH-81319)
    • Help panel improved for rhinoscript syntax (RH-79118)
    • Added “Open Help In Browser” to right-click menu of items in Help panel (RH-81276)

Mac-Only Changes

Bugs Fixed:

  • CommandHelp: Filter in Help panel is slow and autocomplete does not work well (RH-81030)
  • Display: Technical Display Varies if Block is Involved (RH-81054)
  • Display Metal: Wireframes are no longer drawing (RH-81203)
  • HatchScale: Display precision bug (RH-59223)
  • Import: File IO: USDZ file can not be opened with some version of Rhino 8 (RH-81083)
  • Keyboard: Cmd+Shift+S not working (RH-79585)
  • Layer: Dropdown shows only Default when clicking on top edge (RH-81264)
  • OSnap: One shot Osnap panel doesn't refresh on mouse out (RH-81280)
  • Rendering: Save button reads "Export" (RH-80378)
  • Rendering: Materials: Material assign menu items do not show on Mac (RH-81351)
  • Rendering: Textures: Does not remember previous folder on Mac (RH-59505)
  • Shrinkwrap: Block instances don't get wrapped on Mac (RH-78150)
  • StatusBar: Minutes from last save not updating on Mac (RH-80984)
  • Toolbar: Toolbars needs to be removed from Appearance (RH-80300)
  • Viewports: Viewports - "unable to zoom" after zooming out (RH-74566)
  • WindowLayout: Command panel gets a tab (RH-80724)


  • NamedSelections: Allow Drag Drop Reordering of Parent Items (RH-60070)

Windows-Only Changes

Bugs Fixed:

  • ChangeLayer: Dialog too tall (RH-79958)
  • Display: Cannot cast shadows from unclipped objects when specified (RH-78193)
  • File IO: glTF export fails from Rhino.Inside when objects have custom materials (RH-81003)
  • Installer: Rhino WIP highlights Rhino 6 taskbar icon on Windows (RH-60614)
  • Layer: Layer tree collapses when editing a sublayer name (RH-78431)
  • PackageManager: Error with /NetFX (RH-81227)
  • PointCloud: TestPointCloudStyle no longer works fully in Rhino 8 (RH-78714)
  • SelVisible: Gets everything (RH-44001)
  • Toolbar:
    • Middle mouse pop up broken v8 sr7 (RH-81153)
    • Tabs no longer update Sidebar (RH-81142)

UI Change:

  • Print: "Preview " between pages Missing in Print Dialog (RH-76466)

Usability Problems Fixed:

  • Detail: Can't change scale without moving focus from the properties panel (RH-55963)

Rhino 8 SR7 Release Candidate 2 for Windows and Mac (8.7.24107) is now available
Requires Rhino 8

Bugs Fixed:

  • Localization: Concatenation issue (RH-80558)
  • Make2D: Failure in removing lines behind clipping plane caps (RH-77105)
  • Rendering: Cycles: Log file access problem while starting Rhino (RH-81208)
  • SVG: Gradients export with incorrect decimal separators (RH-81531)
  • ScriptEditor:
    • Dictionary conversion to and from python 3 dict fails to grab values (RH-81521)
    • Grasshopper script editor out of screen (RH-81508)
  • Toolbar: Duplicated entries in the default macro library (RH-81061)


  • SVG:
    • Added gradient support to SVG export (RH-79097)
    • Supports exporting gradient colors with opacity (RH-81532)

Regressions Fixed:

Mac-Only Changes

Bugs Fixed:


Rhino 8 SR7 Release Candidate 3 for Windows and Mac (8.7.24113) is now available
Requires Rhino 8

Bugs Fixed:

  • File IO: Pasting or importing curves from Illustrator creates invisible hatch (RH-81524)
  • Rendering: Cycles: Fails to load when trying to clean up logs (RH-81630)
  • ScriptEditor:
    • Published python components are missing ghenv (RH-81638)
    • C# Script instance does not have access to ghenv but does not throw errors (RH-81623)
    • Exported script overrides GH component storage (RH-81629)
    • GH Script component changes upstream mesh (RH-81617)
  • Toolbar: Macro edit not sticking (RH-81604)

Features Added:

  • ScriptEditor: Create separate manifest.yml in build (RH-81610)

Regressions Fixed:

  • Project: Projecting curves to meshes several times slower in V7/V8 than in V5/V6 (RH-81126)
  • ScriptEditor: GH component regression in marshalling guids on inputs (RH-81624)

Usability Problems Fixed:

  • ScriptEditor: DebugStop exception throws stack trace in terminal (RH-81596)

Rhino 8 SR7 Release Candidate 4 for Windows and Mac (8.7.24121) is now available
Requires Rhino 8

Bugs Fixed:

  • Containers: Scrollwheel on multitabbed containers should also work when mouse cursor is over the toolbars (RH-72232)
  • Intersect: Out of tolerance between a cylinder and a trimmed plane (RH-81627)
  • Toolbar: scrolling tune up (RH-76615)

Windows-Only Changes

Bugs Fixed:

  • UI Appearance: Toolbar: Main toolbar detaching loses its container top bar (RH-81506)
1 Like

Rhino 8 SR7 Release Candidate 5 for Windows and Mac (8.7.24128) is now available
Requires Rhino 8

Bugs Fixed:

  • ReduceMesh: Re-reduction when hitting Ok after Preview (RH-42740)
  • ScriptEditor: RunScript backporter keeps resetting Type Hints (RH-81870)
  • Toolbar: Copied button overwrite (RH-81161)

Crashes Fixed:

Performance Improvements:

  • Grasshopper: Slow selection and lags when rotating view (RH-80348)
  • ReduceMesh: Use the preview mesh (RH-62170)

Rhino 8 SR8 Release Candidate 1 for Windows and Mac (8.8.24135) is now available
Requires Rhino 8

To get it, subscribe to the Release Candidate update stream.

Bugs Fixed:

  • Annotation: DimLinear: Dimension in layout jumps when detail is activated and deactivated (RH-81775)
  • ArrayPolar: ArrayPolar -360 (RH-81869)
  • BlendSrf: Surface blend rotation messes up history (RH-81446)
  • BlockManager: can't delete blocks that are nested in other blocks (RH-81715)
  • BringToFront: DrawOrder and hatch borders (RH-81889)
  • ClippingPlane: Depth setting in properties inconsistent with viewport display (RH-81834)
  • Code Editor Control:
    • Configure editor so completion window doesn’t show up when the signature help window is open (RH-81607)
    • signature help in embedded signatures fails when cycling though overloads (RH-81591)
    • completion suggestions for this. is not always correct (RH-81587)
  • CommandPrompt: Rhino 8: Polyline drawing lags behind the cursor (RH-78699)
  • Crash Processing System: Crash reporter dialog does not appear (RH-78162)
  • Developer Tools: Yak.exe fails with multi-targeted plugin (RH-80648)
  • Display:
    • Single color texture does not work correctly when multiple objects are involved (RH-74604)
    • Rendered display mode updates too slow when moving sliders in Material settings (RH-72909)
    • Inserted block shows up as see through when selected (RH-71686)
    • Selection candidate shows thicker highlight when linetype width in model units (RH-81603)
    • Keep Edges Visible when Using Opacity (RH-81487)
  • EdgeSoftening: Disable materials (RH-81823)
  • Eto: Avoid OverflowException in WPF when using certain mice (RH-80893)
  • ExtendSrf: ExtendSrf with Merge=Yes produces internal naked edge and invalid border (RH-81519)
  • ExtractClippingSections: Sectioned objects incorrectly added to output group (RH-81221)
  • ExtractClippingSlices: Incorrect slice through an open mesh (RH-76594)
  • File IO:
    • Reading glTF - failure case (RH-81805)
    • RhinoCommon OBJ mesh writer : NullReferenceException (RH-81786)
    • glTF export ignores object display colors (RH-81576)
  • GetObject: OSnapping to object in a block causes crash (RH-81739)
  • Grasshopper: GH_Cluster that does not dispose its internal document when removed (RH-81896)
  • Grasshopper: Components:
    • Rhino Content Cache with Branches misses (RH-81842)
    • Model Material custom preview doesn’t show texture maps (RH-81191)
    • GH Model Linetypes component - no consistent hint/warning (RH-81577)
  • Gumball:
    • extruding a single curve will result in a polysurface (RH-75672)
    • Doesn’t follow the moved object with Ctrl+Z (RH-81481)
  • History:
    • Fails to update when OSnapping to extrusion profiles & walls (RH-81822)
    • OSnapping to a point cloud point not getting History recorded properly (RH-81682)
  • Icons: Autogenerated icons that need fixing for dark mode (RH-77458)
  • InterpCrv: Periodic curve interpolation with uniform knots and even degree fails on given points (RH-81651)
  • Join: Makes the wrong choice (RH-81778)
  • Localization: SetDotNetRuntime - localization issue (RH-78670)
  • Make2D: Make2D result in nested blocks (RH-81927)
  • MergeAllCoplanarFaces: Causes incorrect mid point snapping (RH-81578)
  • MergeAllEdges: Colinear edges should be merged into single edge (RH-74831)
  • OffsetSrf: Bad result (RH-81263)
  • OpenNURBS: Unable to load large .rtml / .renv files due to artificial character limit of 100M (RH-81953)
  • Project: Circles onto trimmed planar surfaces produces bad results (RH-71531)
  • Properties: Invalid name glitch (RH-81917)
  • RDK: Display crash due to deleted RDK content (RH-81569)
  • RDKCrash: Rhino is hung on loading from particular directory - possibly RDK related. (RH-81837)
  • Rendering:
    • Ground Plane doesn’t adjust for Custom Previews in GH (RH-81223)
    • Ground plane shows white reflection incorrectly (RH-73770)
  • Rendering: Cycles:
    • Decal with alpha channel on custom material incorrect base color (RH-79660)
    • Background image rendering upside down in Rhino Render (RH-81645)
    • Environments overly bright (RH-81685)
    • Sunlight is not visible in reflection (RH-77709)
    • Fresnel is broken in cycles. (RH-77702)
    • Intensity of background environment is not used by Cycle (RH-81548)
  • Rendering: Materials:
    • Don’t match between Rendered and Raytraced modes (RH-73875)
    • UI elements overlapping in Materials panel (RH-80519)
  • Rendering: Realtime SDK: ChangeQueue: Do not treat copy transforms as transforms (RH-81660)
  • Rendering: Textures:
    • Incorrectly duplicated (RH-71966)
    • Wood procedural looks pixelated (RH-67626)
    • Physical sky texture renders black when “Document Sun” is not selected (RH-81470)
    • Importing 3dm file extracts embedded files to parent 3dm folder (RH-81534)
  • RhinoStart: Initial startup is surprisingly slow V8 for Windows (RH-79171)
  • SDK: Expose inset for brep faces/surfaces in RhinoCommon (RH-78601)
  • SDK: Python: ObjectsByType ignores type (RH-80814)
  • SDK: RhinoCommon:
    • Sweep2 gives BRep instead of Surface (RH-81872)
    • Detect mouse over gumball in mouse callback (RH-81819)
    • Make Curve.CreateControlPointCurve work in Rhino3dm (RH-81969)
    • Add backface color override to DisplayPipelineAttributes (RH-81831)
    • RhinoCommon: RhinoObject.SetTextureMapping ignores object transform (RH-81860)
    • RhinoCommon: RhinoObject.SetTextureMapping misses existing channels (RH-81859)
    • Layer.SetPerViewportVisible not working model views (RH-81265)
  • ScriptEditor:
    • Point3dList hint does not have a Grasshopper parameter (RH-81473)
    • Script Editor undo step is missing the name (RH-81602)
    • Turn Guid marshalling off for C# scripts by default (RH-81841)
    • Python Enum autocompletion does not show methods (RH-81977)
    • Python runtime to include packages installed in site_packages in all envs (RH-81895)
    • CPython env checker is paying too much attention to hyphen vs underscore (RH-81913)
    • ScriptEditor- Open and Save fails (RH-81888)
    • Fails to setup on macOS arm with no internet (RH-81744)
    • C# Script component shows Reload Python engine menu items (RH-81840)
    • Autocomplete is not complete (RH-81350)
  • SelBrush:
    • Cannot select and display goes black on SubD n-gons in SubD flat display mode (RH-81468)
    • In SubD flat display mode, incorrectly selects faces where just an edge is visible (RH-81469)
  • Selection: Group selection fails (RH-81926)
  • SubD: Issue referencing SubD object from model (RH-80602)
  • Toolbar:
    • Check that icons are on the grid (RH-78678)
    • Appearance of FilletEdge Edit button is set to image instead of inherit (RH-81713)
    • Save() and SaveAs() in script don’t work (RH-81455)
  • UI Appearance:
    • Tooltip doesn’t refresh (RH-81445)
    • Gears should stay the same size when changing the size of the container tabs icons (RH-77931)
    • Tooltips need to hide as soon as you start typing (RH-78583)
  • UI Cleanup: Pressing Esc does not exit out of Container Menus (RH-81898)
  • UserText: BlockAttributeText not working with Leader objects (RH-77015)
  • Weld: Now prints failure messages to command window (RH-81348)

Crashes Fixed:

  • Print: Vector print crashes Rhino (RH-81540)


  • Linetypes floating command panel sort on column header clicks (RH-81527)
  • BlockEdit: BlockEditOk and BlockEditClose desired for macros and scripts (RH-34493)
  • CheckNewObjects: Shows warning only at very first time an object is detected bad (RH-81536)
  • Grasshopper: Convert Units component now takes a string as input and casts that to the correct unit system (RH-81692)
  • Grasshopper: Components: Added Annotation Model/Layout Scaling settings to Drafting Scale component (RH-81811)
  • Join:
    • Join - keep mesh vertex colors (RH-81987)
    • Added UseLegacyCurveJoiner advanced setting to allow curve join working like Rhino 5 (RH-81815)
  • OSnap: Osnap point size (RH-81846)
  • Options: Never repeat command list supports wild cards (RH-6631)
  • Rendering: Materials: Pointing to texture icon now shows tooltip for texture name (RH-79322)
  • SDK: Allows even degrees for curve interpolation in C++ and RhinoCommon (RH-81632)
  • ScriptEditor: default folder (RH-80887)
  • Section Tools:
    • ClippingDrawings command shows section label during placing drawings (RH-80678)
    • ClippingDrawings command sets colors of background curves by input objects (RH-81400)

Performance Improvements:

  • Display: Adding Ambient Occlusion texture to PBR material makes rendering really slow (RH-56233)

Regressions Fixed:

  • ExtrudeCrvTapered: Direction option fails (RH-81559)
  • Gumball: No longer extrudes SubD (RH-81699)
  • Join: Incorrectly stacks mesh vertices (RH-81696)
  • OffsetSrf:

SDK Enhancement:

  • OpenNURBS: Added ON_Mesh::CreateFrom2dPointsAndEdges() to C++ SDK (RH-81723)
  • SDK: Exposed Theme Colors (RH-81838)
  • SDK: RhinoCommon:
    • Delaunay Triangulation solver in 2D (RH-79402)
    • Expose RhinoGetSubCurves to RhinoCommon (RH-81979)
    • Exposed CRhinoInstanceDefinition::UsesLinetype (RH-81492)
  • ScriptEditor: Allow creating script components from code (RH-81754)

UI Change:

  • Toolbar: Added ScalePositions icon (RH-81873)

Usability Problems Fixed:

  • Code Editor Control: Provide an option to turn off autocompletion from the tokens found in the script (RH-78548)
  • ExtractClippingSections: ExtractClippingSlices: History update works when clipped object is hidden (RH-76946)
  • Join: Does not give flash feedback when meshes are joined (RH-81816)
  • ScriptEditor:
    • Added a C# guide (RH-81403)
    • Script Component/Parameter Tooltip does not accept multiple lines (RH-81925)
  • Selection: Added PickOccluded advanced setting for picking subobjects behind opaque surfaces (RH-81337)

Mac-Only Changes

Bugs Fixed:

  • Display: Meshes do not show vertex colors in Rendered mode when GroundPlane is off (RH-81622)
  • Layer: Cannot rename in floating Layers panel (RH-81525)
  • OSnap: One shot OSnap setting out of sync on Mac (RH-81118)
  • Options: mport: The selected (plist) is not a valid options file (RH-81137)
  • Panels: Color Backfaces missing in Display panel on Mac (RH-81463)
  • Print: Rendered and Arctic views are blank when printing (RH-79093)
  • QuadRemesh: Fails silently in Rhino, but give CPU error in GH (RH-81687)
  • Rendering: Saving image should remember last used format (RH-81537)
  • Rendering: Materials: Slider does not change to allow typing (RH-81626)
  • Toolbar: : Can't be closed by script (RH-81346)

Crashes Fixed:

  • AutoSave: Corgi package causes macOS Autosave hang requiring Force Quit (RH-81891)

Windows-Only Changes

Bugs Fixed:

  • Help: Offline help does not load when DisableInternetAccess=1 (RH-53073)
  • Menu: Icons are not shown (RH-81746)
  • SDK: CRhinoUiFile::Bitmap not working (RH-81759)
  • UI Appearance: Slider settings does not work well in dark mode (RH-81648)

Rhino 8 SR8 Release Candidate 2 for Windows and Mac (8.8.24137) is now available
Requires Rhino 8

To get it, subscribe to the Release Candidate update stream.

Bugs Fixed:

  • OSnap: Snap lag with many blocks (RH-82015)

Crashes Fixed:

  • File IO: Reading gh file crashes Rhino (RH-81806)

SDK Enhancement:

  • Grasshopper 2: Constrained Tesselation SDK method (RH-81704)
1 Like

Rhino 8 SR8 Release Candidate 3 for Windows and Mac (8.8.24138) is now available
Requires Rhino 8

To get it, subscribe to the Release Candidate update stream.

Bugs Fixed:

  • ScriptEditor:
    • Python component resets “No Hint” to “ghobj” hint (RH-82051)
    • Script component shows language button when disabled (RH-82050)
    • PointCloud gets split into its items on script component output (RH-82044)
  • Toolbar: Commands ran from custom toolbar get added to diff file (RH-81935)

Regressions Fixed:

  • ScriptEditor: IronPython is getting dotnet types instead of python types (RH-82019)

This update also addresses some upstream issues from 8.7.


Rhino 8 SR8 Release Candidate 4 for Windows and Mac (8.8.24142) is now available
Requires Rhino 8

To get it, subscribe to the Release Candidate update stream.

Bugs Fixed:

  • ScriptEditor: Zero versioning of C# script dynamic assemblies causes issues (RH-82075)

Features Added:

  • Grasshopper: Allow for filtering of Instance Definition Name on Model Objects (RH-78812)

Performance Improvements:

  • ScriptEditor: Fix script out multiple compile issue (RH-82071)

SDK Enhancement:

  • SDK: RhinoCommon: Add backface color override to DisplayPipelineAttributes (RH-81831)
1 Like

Rhino 8 SR8 Release Candidate 5 for Windows and Mac (8.8.24149) is now available
Requires Rhino 8

To get it, subscribe to the Release Candidate update stream

Bugs Fixed:

  • Display: Raytraced mode fails when clipping fill is enabled (RH-82120)
  • Grasshopper: Inconsistent Text Height and Arrow Size on Leaders (RH-81865)
  • OSnap: Snapping to Occluded (RH-82190)
  • Print: Vector PDF lines issue (RH-82109)
  • RhinoStart: Initial startup is surprisingly slow V8 for Windows (RH-79171)
  • Shrinkwrap: Some TextField boxes - RibbonOffset, QuadRemesh, ShrinkWrap - slow (MAC) (RH-82089)

Crashes Fixed:

  • Layer: Only allows dragging name column to reorder (RH-82159)

Mac-Only Changes

Bugs Fixed:

  • Panels: Rename Linetype loses focus (RH-82171)

Rhino 8 SR8 Release Candidate 6 for Windows and Mac (8.8.24158) is now available
Requires Rhino 8

To get it, subscribe to the Release Candidate update stream

Bugs Fixed:

  • BooleanDifference: Wirecut fails, extrude curve and Trim works (RH-81583)
  • Grasshopper: Extrude is offset from base curve (RH-82220)
  • Installer: No Safe Mode option (RH-81899)
  • Layer: Layer panel RMB menu missing (RH-82247)
  • SDK: RhinoCommon:
    • RhinoCommon: RhinoObject.SetTextureMapping ignores object transform (RH-81860)
    • RhinoCommon: RhinoObject.SetTextureMapping misses existing channels (RH-81859)

Crashes Fixed:

  • File IO: file crashes on opening (RH-82377)


  • OSnap: Mid object snap can snap to midpoint of linear/angular dimension line/arc (RH-9321)

Regressions Fixed:

  • Join: GH Join Curves - regression from 8.7; curve order produces unwanted result (RH-82192)

Windows-Only Changes

Bugs Fixed:

  • Installer:
    • Shortcut errors during install (RH-82041)
    • Rhino in Safe Mode missing (RH-61762)

Rhino 8 SR9 Release Candidate 1 for Windows and Mac (8.9.24163) is now available
Requires Rhino 8

To get it, subscribe to the Release Candidate update stream.

Bugs Fixed:

  • BlockEdit: Point cloud colors removed (RH-62019)
  • BlockManager:
    • Blockmanager slows down viewport when objects are selected. (RH-80279)
    • Block Attributes panel doesn’t appear (RH-81867)
    • Delete from block manager takes ages (RH-80069)
  • BooleanDifference: BD fail example (RH-80968)
  • Code Editor Control: "Intellisense" for function signatures not always shown (RH-82160)
  • CommandHelp: CommandContextHelpUrl from 3rd party plug-in does not work in V8 (RH-78415)
  • Dir: Dir and ShowDir display texture differently when swapping UVs (RH-82027)
  • Displacement: Mesh with thickening causes empty display in most modes (RH-82113)
  • Display:
    • Monochrome section hatch background issue (RH-81443)
    • Material texture with adjustment applied doesn’t show up in preview (RH-81612)
  • DocumentProperties: Rendering settings set by script are ignored (RH-80455)
  • DupLayer: Full path layer name is not scriptable (RH-77128)
  • ExtrudeCrvTapered: Creates too many faces (RH-82091)
  • File IO: Updated import_3dm to rhino3dm latest 8.x (RH-81173)
  • FitCrv: fitCrv: inaccurate result (RH-82376)
  • Grasshopper:
    • SubD Preview Display Issue (RH-82186)
    • GH_BorderComponent.vb does not take into account the Max Size property (RH-82207)
  • Grasshopper: Components:
    • Default Hatch Errors Content Cache component (RH-82331)
    • Model material texture repeat doesn’t cause update (RH-81751)
  • History: Broken history on dimension (RH-62561)
  • Join: Curves disappear (RH-82151)
  • Layer: Releasing left mouse button on lock column after highlighting layer name quits name editing and toggles locking state (RH-80598)
  • LineTypeDisplay: Linetypes with pixel width don't display when model is opened (RH-77096)
  • Loft:
    • History update flips surface direction (RH-82165)
    • Edge domain of straight loft changes (RH-82166)
  • Make2D: Incorrectly shows hidden geometry (RH-80980)
  • MatchProperties: Ignores groups (RH-82345)
  • OSnap: Snaps to Clipped Targets (RH-82379)
  • OffsetCrvOnSrf: Creates incorrect result (RH-82196)
  • PrintPreview: Print display scale has no effect on line width set in linetypes (RH-82329)
  • Properties: Matching properties ungroups hatches (RH-82346)
  • PushPull: Issue Sample (RH-82221)
  • Rebuild: Incorrect deviation feedback (RH-82344)
  • Rendering: Content Panels: Render Libraries option not scriptable (RH-81594)
  • Rendering: Cycles: Spotlight not working properly (RH-82279)
  • SDK: Block Explode: Skip when hidden in Model Space (RH-82312)
  • SDK: GhPython: rs.StatusBarProgressMeterHide needs RhinoApp.Wait() in Rhino 8 (RH-81996)
  • SDK: Python: RunScript vs RunPythonScript inside commands problem (RH-56354)
  • SDK: RhinoCommon:
    • RhinoCommon: RhinoObject.SetTextureMapping misses existing channels (RH-81859)
    • RhinoCommon: RhinoObject.SetTextureMapping ignores object transform (RH-81860)
    • Developer documentation search results unnavigable (RH-82182)
  • SVG Editor: Pressing Enter makes you loose your work (RH-82253)
  • ScriptEditor:
    • Debug does not stop after python code is saves as (RH-82443)
    • Missing blinking cursor when switching between search results (RH-82244)
    • ScriptEditor - typing when a search is active (RH-82323)
    • ImportError on importing numpy from source directory (RH-80494)
    • python signature help window closes when cursor moves away from open paren. (RH-82164)
    • CSharp Script Instance Converter bugs (RH-82125)
    • Python 3 ScriptInstance converter has a few minor bugs (RH-79253)
  • Section Tools:
    • ClippingDrawings: Inconsistent hatch direction (RH-77430)
    • Parts of model disappear when working with section tools and layouts (RH-82197)
    • Drawing is moved to layout (RH-80054)
    • Hidden lines behind clipping fill are incorrectly drawn (RH-78206)
    • ClippingDrawings does not pay attention to block layers (RH-81909)
  • Selection: Selects Clipped Objects (RH-82380)
  • Snapshot: Scriptable cmmand missing settings (RH-82086)
  • SoftMove: Editing of SubD edit/control points does not stick (RH-56127)
  • Sun:
    • Sun rotation control does not update the sun color (RH-82107)
    • Editing location creates a large undo stack (RH-82181)
  • Toolbar:
    • SVG editor - cancel on changing tools to selection (RH-82212)
    • PopUp toolbar disappears (RH-82103)
    • Esc cancels SVG edit session (RH-80252)
  • Torus: Plane.WorldXY is invalid (RH-82169)
  • VariableFilletEdge: Rounding errors influence result visibly (RH-82225)
  • ViewCaptureToFile: Transparent background forces png format (RH-64908)


  • Dark Mode: Component Name Conflict dialog doesn't support dark mode (RH-82320)


  • CPlane: Object option sets CPlane-Z to surface normal direction (RH-82076)
  • Code Editor Control: Allow manually collapsing certain sections (RH-78545)
  • DupEdge: DupEdge on extrusions and breps (RH-82422)
  • History: Made history replay of Sweep1, Sweep2 and Revolve more closely match what the commands do (RH-82032)
  • Mesh: Importing presets does not overwrite existing ones (RH-80492)
  • Rebuild: Preserve curve domain if DeleteInput=Yes and the curve to rebuild is a history parent (RH-82163)
  • ScriptEditor:
    • Include user templates in ‘New’ (RH-79251)
    • Better Closing of Multiple Tabs (RH-82437)
    • Allows setting default Hint for python script component (RH-82009)
    • Added “Toggle Line Numbers” to Edit menu (RH-82121)
  • SelName: Select option in scriptable command supports preselect (RH-82431)
  • Selection: Made pick culling pay attention to draw order (RH-82337)

Features Added:

  • ScriptEditor: Package installation might require checking the environment first to specify which packages to be installed (RH-77108)

Regressions Fixed:

  • Properties:
    • Matching options limited (RH-82322)
    • Scriptable command applies color for sub-object to whole object (RH-82204)
  • Select: Issues about selecting point on surface in command (RH-82295)

SDK Enhancement:

  • SDK: Exposed ConnectSrf functionality (RH-64396)
  • SDK: RhinoCommon:
    • Wrap RhinoExtendBrepFacesToConnect in RhinoCommon (RH-82205)
    • Exposed CRhinoLayer::m_bIsVisibleInRhinoUserInterface (RH-81522)
    • Wrap CRhinoInstanceObject::Explode with bSkipHiddenPieces (RH-82153)

UI Change:

  • SplitFace: SplitFace - command line option name (RH-82492)

Usability Problems Fixed:

  • Code Editor Control: Improve inline error prompt in code editor (RH-80592)
  • ScriptEditor:
    • RunScriptCommand only searches for python files inside IronPython plugin search paths (RH-78659)
    • ScriptEditor - please add a New > Blank file in the dropdown menu (RH-80243)
    • Allow toggling autocomplete in signature complete (RH-82473)
    • Allow option to choose active or open codes for search and replace (RH-80934)
    • Make type hinting menu searchable (RH-78084)
    • Add Toggle to show/hide “Non-Public” items in debug variables (RH-82351)
    • CodeEditor search results - locate in the document (RH-82262)
    • Add ‘Whole Word’ to search panel (RH-81502)
    • Scripteditor - open location on two screens (RH-80868)
    • Script Editor Autocompletes In Comments (RH-81189)
    • Install Package dialog to allow selecting dll from an open dialog (RH-81910)
    • Includes Full Stack Trace in error message tag hover (RH-82263)
    • Improved error colors in dark mode (RH-82265)
    • Show warnings about super()._ _ init _ () call inside _ _ init _() (RH-82029)
    • Improvement about dealing with errors (RH-79256)
    • Increase max size of error message tag (RH-82264)
    • Python stubs with out params should put out in return tuple for signature (RH-82158)
    • File Open and search messiness (RH-79207)
  • StatusBar: Pressing Esc key does not close layer popup (RH-82341)

Mac-Only Changes

Bugs Fixed:

  • Annotation: Linetype: Model Space spinner uses comma (RH-80018)
  • BoxEdit: Panel Broken (RH-82154)
  • Display: Textures display with splotchy colors on Mac (RH-63350)
  • Display Metal: Grid display messy with high contrast (RH-80246)
  • ExtrudeCrvToPoint: Run out of memory (RH-80508)
  • Layer: Layers panel does not automatically switch between light/dark mode (RH-78700)
  • Rendering: Materials: Flip alternate gradient option doesn't work in Raytraced (RH-71665)
  • Rendering: Texture Mapping: mapping broken in rendered display (RH-80487)
  • Spotlight: 16 Spotlight Limit (Mac) (RH-82464)
  • UVEditor: Can't use Lasso or SelBrush when picking vertices to Pin (RH-73099)

Regressions Fixed:

  • Display: Rhino becomes slow after multiple documents have been opened (RH-82080)

Windows-Only Changes

Bugs Fixed:

  • Display: Incorrect drawing of object with material and alpha transparency (RH-82282)
  • Eto: TreeGridView Expand and Collapse Slow (RH-82010)
  • OffsetCrvOnSrf: OffsetCrvOnSrf - GH component gives curve that goes way off (RH-82256)
  • Options: Shadows page is ugly when disabled in dark mode (RH-75383)
  • Toolbar: Grippers have odd shading (RH-81331)

Usability Problems Fixed:

  • ScriptEditor: Tuned up closing behavior (RH-80600)

Rhino 8 SR9 Release Candidate 2 for Windows and Mac (8.9.24171) is now available
Requires Rhino 8

To get it, subscribe to the Release Candidate update stream.

Bugs Fixed:

  • Code Editor Control: C# can not autocomplete ScriptInstance properties and their members (RH-77879)
  • Grasshopper: Import SHP - .NET Issue (RH-82504)
  • Print: Vector Print does not occlude intersections (RH-82454)


  • ScriptEditor: Search and Replace Improvements (RH-82434)

Regressions Fixed:

  • Gumball: Made extruding with Ctrl (CMD) + plane control always creates open object (RH-82411)
  • Grasshopper: Components:
    • Fails when user-text key contains a dot (RH-82582)
    • Model Attribute Key Selection breaks up at dots (RH-81311)
  • RhinoCommon SDK Break in 8.7 (RH-82629)

Usability Problems Fixed:

  • ScriptEditor: Cpython autocompletion sometimes returns too much data (RH-77886)
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Rhino 8 SR9 Release Candidate 3 for Windows and Mac (8.9.24177) is now available
Requires Rhino 8

To get it, subscribe to the Release Candidate update stream

Bugs Fixed:

  • Annotation: Hatch:
    • Undo gets cleared after hatch match (RH-82686)
    • Hatch match properties fails (RH-82678)
  • Rendering: Texture Mapping: KeyShot: texture mapping wrong on Rhino 8 model (RH-80057)

Regressions Fixed:

  • ScriptEditor:
    • Editor minimum size should be smaller (RH-82705)
    • sys.stderr is missing (RH-82704)