not sure why … record history keeps turning off… as usual in previous version, it would just be on all the time…
Any help on turning and keeping it on?
not sure why … record history keeps turning off… as usual in previous version, it would just be on all the time…
Any help on turning and keeping it on?
Hi @whitie925
Without any command running, right click History in the status bar. Make sure Always record History is checked.
Just curious… is this new? Is left click a one shot operation?
Hi Whitie -
It behaves the same way in Rhino 7 at least…
Been this way since History was implemented… in Rhino 4?
got it. What does left click represent? is it a one shot operation?
Yep, exactly.
When record history is set to always, clicking once is a one shot off, if it is off, it’s a one shot on.