Any changes to the behavior of record history since the latest update?

Ever since I installed the last update the way my record history has changed. I like having history on at all times and choosing to purge it when I need to and simply clicking ok when rhino warns me that I’m breaking history. Since the recent update however, there are no more warning popups and now every object is locked down and un-editable until I purge history and some times I’m getting duplicates. was something changed or is something else wrong?

You probably accidentally checked “Lock children” in the status bar pane, and maybe unchecked “History break warning”…

appreciate it! trying to find that option, if you don’t mind directing me to where that is?

Right-click on the Record History button to get to the History options.

ha! didn’t even know there were options when right clicking, always typed it in the command line to turn it on indefinitely, learn something new everyday :+1:

That’s kind of a general thing in Windows.
Left click selects, right click changes options.
One Rhino exception are toolbar icons. Most buttons have both Left and Right click commands. The Rhino Tooltip tells you what the two commands are.

understood, I just thought it was a button you either turn on or off and never thought to right click on it lol