I noticed a couple issues with the MMB Popup in Rhino 8.
If there is a monitor to the left of the main Rhino window, clicking the MMB close the left edge of the Rhino window causes the container to snap to the monitor on the left. This only happens when the container is wide enough to hit the left edge of the monitor. It happens with both a normal and maximized window if the container is wide enough to hit the left edge on the monitor.
Clicking the MMB on the drawing windows while the popup container is already visible causes the buttons to be hidden. This only happens with a custom Container, the default one doesn’t do this. Left clicking the drawing window before clicking the MMB makes the buttons show up.
Found another popup issue. The cascade option doesn’t work on a button in a custom container. The cascaded container is shown briefly then both containers disappear. It works properly in the default Popup but not a custom container.
This is one is show stopper for Popup custom containers. I’ll switch back to modifying the default popup container.
A couple clarifications on the original issues.
The window doesn’t have to be maximized for it to snap to the other monitor. It happens when the combination of the Rhino window position and the width of the container allow the container to hit the left edge of the monitor.
Middle clicking while the custom popup is already visible causes the buttons to be hidden as in the video. It’s probably the same issue or related to what you described.
I’m having the same issue: cascade options don’t work on buttons in a custom container set as MMB popup.
Hope it could be fixed because “custom container as MMB popup” was a nice workaround to personalize the aspect ratio of the popup menu. A life-saving solution for me…
I have the same problem as Stefano: cascade options are non-functional in my MMB custom container. At first I thought it was an issue due to importing my MMB toolbar from Rhino 7, so I rebuilt it from scratch and cascade buttons still don’t work. When I click on the cascade arrows, it just closes the MMB window.
This is a workflow killer for me and likely for others who use the MMB toolbar for speed. There are a tutorials out there about how to set it up, with cascades, going back to Rhino 5 at least.
Also, I can’t screenshot this easily, but when hovering the mouse over the top bar on the MMB, the four arrows cursor appears when hovering just below the rim of the container, and when you click and attempt to move the container, it does nothing. But if you hover the mouse over the rim of the container, the four arrows cursor disappears and reverts to normal pointer, but then, when you click and drag the rim, you can move the container, and when you let it go it becomes a normal, non-mmb toolbar. In that state, the cascade menus work.
So cursor behavior and failing cascades both seem like a bug.
I just installed the newest service release candidate, and the cascade problem is fixed. JetBrains doesn’t seem to have it marked as fixed yet though.
Thanks for getting it fixed!
The bug I describe below, where the four-arrow cursor appears and then doesn’t allow you to move the popup, but you can move the popup with the ordinary cursor by dragging the rim of the container… that’s still happening but it seems like a much lower priority than the cascade fix, what with all the other stuff y’all must still be ironing out.