Rhino 8 WIP: Resizeable Mid-button Popup Toolbar?

Hi there,
I was recently testing out the new 8 WIP, while finding that my custom mid-but toolbar cannot be resized. I always personally adjust a bit the size of the default popup toolbar to have the most used button in the center , so that I can SUPER fast use it as I click the mouse mid button. But it seems the 8 WIP is missing this function. Any idea this will be available? or why the function got canceled?

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Hi -
We have that issue on the list as RH-70733 Containers: PopUpContainer

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is this fixed yet?

I can’t resize my MMB toolbar and make it stay resized when I re-activate it.

This is important because I sort my tools in rows of six, by category, and when the toolbar resizes it completely scrambles the rows. It seems to want to be as square as possible, and that won’t work for everybody.

Hi Max - in V8:

  • use the Containers command to manage containers, and create a new container
  • add (drag and drop) toobars or panels into the container from the right hand column of Containers dialog.


  • in Options > Mouse MMBV > Pop up this toolbar, locate the cointainer you made set that one to pop up.


so a naked toolbar won’t hold the shape I set, but a toolbar in a container will?

