Rhino 8 - Make 2D tool EXTREMELY SLOW

Hey all,

Ever since upgrading to Rhino 8 the ‘Make 2D’ tool has been extremely slow. The moment I run the command my computer fan starts to spin, it heats up, and rhino can’t be touched for at least 5-10 minutes until the make 2D finishes.
I’m currently doing my Master’s degree in architecture and my classmates have run into the same issue ever since we all updated our Rhino from 7 to 8. At this point I’m quite certain it’s a bug with the program because we all have really new and powerful laptops and computers… What are your thoughts?

PS. First post!

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Make2D on complex models can be slow, especially with hidden line enabled… Here are some tips on working with Make2D from 2009, there have been a lot of enhancements since them but the basics still apply.


If you have repeatable example please post or send the file. Rhino - Upload to Support


What a useful tip! Thank you so much. By selvisible and invert, hide the process really speeds up. I find the drawing even ends up being a clearer. Cheers.

Hi @Chamelion .

I would suggest to try Clipping Sections (V8 only) as a dynamic way of Make2D.
Personally I didn’t try to compare speed of Make2D and Clipping Sections yet.
It could work absolutely the same under hood, but there is a chance it has newer algorithms.