Rhino 8 Mac material confusion


Rhino 8 for Mac is confusing materials. Open the attached model and observe the materials on the walls. Commence orbiting and you should see the material change on some of the walls.

Hide the Layer WUpperRemove to see the correct material reinstated. Show WUpperRemove again and all should be OK. Orbit again to see the corruption.

If I rename the material Custom (4), the confusion seems to be corrected, but reappears on orbit.

If I rename the material Custom [imported] [imported], the confusion seems to be resolved. This is odd.

Command-Z to undo the renaming of the material reactivates the confusion. Redo to reapply the new name reinstates the correction.

Another observation is that selecting only unused materials in the list, then selecting all of those materials for deletion results in a warning message that indicates that the used materials are included in the deletion set. The Endeavour material is unused in the model, but I suspect that this problem only exists where the set of used materials are ‘buried’ within the overall list, with some unused materials before and after the used materials.

HouseRemodel28Material.3dm (7.6 MB)

MacSystermInfo.txt (4.7 KB)

Regards, Garry.

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@DavidEranen I think this is the material jumping issue reported by @eobet as well.

@nathanletwory @DavidEranen The problem also occurs when typing a command such as ScreenCaptureToClipboard.

Regards, Garry.

Hi @coffsoft,

I’ve made a fix to Rhino that resolves this material flicker issue. It will be around a month before the fix will appear as a Service Release Candidate.

You can also fix the issue manually by modifying the color of the “Custom [imported] [imported]” material (the first one in the list of materials). You can change the color only slightly and the issue will resolve itself. The problem was that, somehow, the color of the material wasn’t set up properly. Let me know if this fixes the issue for you.

It would be interesting to know from where you originally imported the material. Knowing this, we might be able to reproduce the material color import issue.


@DavidEranen The slight colour change that you suggested fixed the problem. I then set the colour back to its original setting and it was still OK.

My best guess is that the material was probably imported from another model when I copied some wall objects.

If possible, let me know when the fix is available for testing. I have a few models which are impacted.

Regards, Garry.

@DavidEranen I installed iRhino 3D yesterday. It too shows the gremlin, but after the workaround fix is applied in Rhino 8 for Mac, it is OK.

I am guessing that iRhino 3D does not require attention, as the problem lies within the .3dm file.

Regards, Garry.

That’s correct - the issue is in the file. We’re still investigating how it could have ended up like this.


@DavidEranen I have been applying the colour tweak to various models, and found a twist. In the full models, as opposed to the partial model that I attached, after I tweaked the colours in all [imported] materials, I also had to tweak the colour of the Internal Walls material. That material does not have the [imported] attribute.

Regards, Garry.

RH-85204 is fixed in Rhino 8 Service Release 16 Release Candidate

@Brian That fixed it. Thank you to all involved.

Regards, Garry.