Rhino 8, grasshopper UNDO bug

Hello everyone. I came across a bug in Rhino 8 while doing some daily work.

It is very common to iterate such changes when you create a small script and change the position of the points, and GH automatically rebuilds the surface. At the same time, it is very often necessary to roll back point position changes a step back, or even more. Therefore, it becomes very annoying when you have to click on the GH window each time, when you CTRL+Z in the Rhino window to roll back a step, to rebuild the surface back .
I attached 2 short videos and a photo of the script to the post. As you can see, there is no such problem in Rhino 7. Maybe someone has faced such a problem and knows how to solve it.

In Rhino 7

In Rhino 8

GH simple loft script

Thank you for reporting this. I’ll look into this. I have created a YouTrack item to keep track of this.

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Thanks. I experience the same or at least the screen looks the same after an undo in definitions with the new Rhino Grasshopper components.

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Thanks for the quick response. It will be great if this fix gets into the new SR.

This issue should be fixed in the next Service Release for 8.3 which should go out next week.