Bug? - Rhino 8 - Can't create fillet between surfaces

I just updated Rhino 8 to 8R3 (8.3.24009) and now I am having issues creating fillets between surfaces. Attached is an example of the surfaces I am trying to create a R0.385 fillet between and it just fails when you can see they clearly intersect.

Any help or insight would be thankful.
Fillet.3dm (75.8 KB)

Your example works for FilletSrf. (ver 8.3.23354)
Filletx.3dm (105.0 KB)

It does not work if you are trying to use -FilletSrf
That is a bug that has been reported.

-FilletSrf works in the latest Service Release Candidate (8.4.24009.13521, 2024-01-09)

Let me try updating. Thanks for checking and letting me know.