Rhino 8 Extendsrf not working as Help suggests

I’ve been noticing for a while that Rhino 8 wont extend many surfaces once they have been trimmed, and put it down to my bad geometry.

I then tried to recreate the help page trimmed pentagon on a simple surface in a new document and found that it also cannot extend. It seems that curve join on the trim curves breaks the functionality. - so a circle works, but not a triangle. you can trim the surface but not extend.

So at least 2 of the examples here do not work:

I know we can completely untrim keeping curves, but having the intended functionality is often quicker, so would be great to get it working.


I seem to have the same problem.

Same here. In rhino 7 I can extend the surface(s) of the same model. When in Rhino 8 it fails to do so with every single surfce. Pretty annoying.
I would like to see this fixed, or a work-around, since I use ‘ExtendSRF’ quite often.

Hey -

Please provide both the output of the Rhino SystemInfo command and a 3dm file that can be used to debug this issue.

Dear Wim,

Please find requested files attached:

System info.txt (2.5 KB)
Surface_EXtend_Fail.3dm (385.5 KB)

Thank you in advace for your hep.

Hey -

RH-83755 [ExtendSrf: Failure cases] was fixed in Rhino 8.13. You could change the update frequency to Service Release Candidates if you frequently run into this.

Okay, thanks for the feedback.
When will the SR13 be officially released?

New final SRs are typically released every second Tuesday (afternoon Seattle time) of a month.


BTW, I have installed the SR13 as you suggested, and indeed the ExtendSRF is now working as it should.

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