Rhino 8 export selected exports all layers

My work requires me to take a lot of 2D exports out of Rhino to dwg. In R7 and before, if I use Make2D, and then export just the selected, the only layers that show up in the dwg are the layers of what was selected. In R8, doing the exact same procedure, ALL layers, and their current states, are exported. There are no objects on the layers, but they all show up in the dwg. Below are two exports of the exact same objects from both R7 and R8:

Layers exported from R7:

and these are the layers exported in R8, even though they were not part of the selection:

I can just purge them in AutoCAD and they all go away, but I’m wondering if this is by design, or a glitch. If it’s by design, I’m curious what the purpose would be.

Rhino for Mac? PC? Please categorize your post.

Hi Stephen -

This change was caused by an update to make the layer order predictable when exporting to DWG. This side effect was fixed last week, but, on Windows, this week’s src hasn’t yet been released.
RH-28804 SaveAs DWG/DXF: Export empty layers option request