Rhino 8 Development

I think so. Maybe I should have said “clipping plane”. I’m just curious what sections are looking like in WIP and what the new options do.

You can control which clipping plane cuts which object, by assigning individual clipping planes to specific layers… you can get something like this.


I really want to see imporvents to chamfers and fillets. no more spaghetti on complex fillets please

Thing is that Rhino will produce the results it can, and sometimes this is a pile of spaghetti indeed. This often happens though on places where you are trying to make a fillet or chamfer that exceeds the curvature at that point. If you have specific cases of fillets or chamfers that fail where you think it should produce a correct fillet or chamfer, please send the file.

How I can assign a layer to a clipping plane?

You assign a clipping plane to layers in the layers panel.


For some reason this thread didn’t get updated when my fixes went in. In the WIP the Inset command works with polysurface faces.



this looks great @Joshua_Kennedy, in that second example the inset is offseting the same distance on-surface? if so, that’s super impressive!


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Thanks @Joshua_Kennedy looks really good!

Very nice, thanks!

Got a lockup though, when testing this shape:

test Inset.3dm (238.0 KB)

I used the “through point” option. It works the first time, then after undo > Inset > through point, it can happen that it freezes just by moving the point along the surface.

@Eugen I tried but failed to reproduce this error. Can you repeat it all the time at your end?

I tried again, but could not repro it this time. Strange. I’ll get back if I find something.

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Yes, the offset distance is distance on surface. There still is some tuning up in this regard that needs done but that is the metric.


I really need a custom pivot point position for some objects. So that FBX mesh export and import properlly.
How is the workaround? Using Blender? I presume using Unity too; using a game object transform parent and export FBX.
Does IGES support custom pivot points?

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Blocks enable custom pivot points. However, you must first export it to STEP and then use a good FBX converter like Unreal’s Datasmith before you export to Blender. Rhino’s FBX only cares about layers, can’t do instancing and can’t do sewing. :see_no_evil:


Plasticity is looking really slick. Somebody should take note.

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have you tried the new push/pull and inset tools?

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this looks very good already, great work ! Is there a way yet to have inset work the other way around (offset) with creating solids?

can you clarify how what you are asking?

inset creates the surface curves, push/pull can go in or out.

something like this :wink:

inset could basically go in or out (offset) depending on the users mouse position.