I wonder if there is a setting I need to set someplace, or if this is just a bug?
When I use the ‘exclude object’ on the new clipping-plane, I get a really unpleasant flicker every time I touch/modify anything in the scene? It seems to turn the clipping plane off/on with every operation (maybe?). See the video below:
Is there a way to turn this effect ‘off’ ? Or is this not how it is supposed to operate?
When I don’t use the ‘exclude object’ it seems to behave as I’d expect (not flickering off/on with every operation). I still get a lot of ‘flicker’ for some reason (the surfaces changing color slightly) with every move, but at least the clipping plane doesn’t turn off/on.
Perfect! I can reproduce this on macOS 13.6.1 with Rhino 8.1. I will now check if I can reproduce it with macOS Sonoma as well as more recent builds with Rhino…which I can, on both counts (I can reproduce this behavior on macOS Sonoma 14.1.1 as well as with an 8.3 build of Rhino).
I can really appreciate your initial questions above:
because I’m not entirely certain either. I do think we need to determine what the expectation would be (eventually), but I’m going to write this up anyway because I find the behavior a bit confusing too.