Rhino 7 manual for Mac


I have some questions:

1: Where do I find a Rhino 7 user guide for MAC – the ones I found are for Windows. I found a users guide for v6, but it doesn’t have the bar with the tabs below the top panel, whatever that is called. My problem: if I go to the SubD-Tool tab, the toolbar on the left changes to SubD too, which I don’t want – I want it to stay basic all the time.

2: I am in Germany, but work in English, since most tutorials are in English. But if I go to the mcNeel website “www.rhino3d.com” I always get everything in German, even though I choose English in my profile as my preferred language. What can I do to get the Rhino homepage in English (without changing my language and country settings on my MAc)?

Thanks in advance, best Jan

you can select the languages of the page in the lower right area:

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