Rhino 7 - GH - Parametric Wall Help

“New to forums and Grasshopper”

My boss needs me to design parametric walls for his CNC business and I have no idea how to use Grasshopper. I have done a bunch of research and used YouTube tutorials and I currently have 2 files that both work well. My current challenge is I can’t figure out how to combine them for the life of me.

The goal that I need to achieve is to create a wavy surface that I can then paste a company’s logo onto. In the “para wall surface set” file I can create any sized surface with whatever wavy pattern and then the GH file will chop it up to the proper widths and I can bake it. In the other file “para wall logo” I can take any image and it will paste it onto the parametric wall. But I don’t like that I can’t control the width of the strips and that I can’t make it wavy.

Please can someone help me out? I’ve attached a few links to the YouTube videos I used to help. Also, I’ve attached images of what I and hoping I can do with the GH file.

https://youtu.be/z0NxflDDCA0?si=5y7z2f-5oxcHZMnA (para wall logo)
https://youtu.be/uX4ueZ_cYnI?si=AY-WNXxWTNWl4qko (para wall surface set)

logo wall
para wall logo.gh (36.6 KB)
para wall surface set.gh (7.9 KB)

Hmmm… Interesting! Just to be clear your goal is to get something like in the image you posted (meaning a wavy surface from which the logo pops out as a straight extrusion)?
I checked your files and:

  1. para wall surface set.gh doesn’t have the surface you have referenced from Rhino internalized, so it can’t be used by somebody that doesn’t also have your *.rh file
  2. in the para wall logo.gh case I wouldn’t go the route of using the image sampler (it can become very slow and imprecise for this use case). Is it possible for you to get the logos as vector files?
  1. Sorry for the surface, I was referencing any surface I create, I usually like to do a 6’x4’ surface and just rebuild it with more control points to move them around. (I can create a file if it would help?)

  2. I wouldn’t be able to get a Vector file without creating one, however, say I did create an SVG file and this is a better approach than JPG how would I go about it?

edit: Yes the above image is what my end goal is. Maybe I am approaching this incorrectly?

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there’s no one single correct way, but i wouldn’t do it like this

i would convert the logo into a rhino curves that i can extrude
i would create a solid with a flat base (at the back) and the wavy surface at the front
i would then boolean union the two
then create the contours, and extrude them


Basically what @adel.albloushi said:

para wall1.gh (58.1 KB)


basically the same thing as @submillimetre 's defintion
logo.gh (14.4 KB)


Thank you both for your help, I really appreciate it.