First of all, great addition to the usertext toolset!
To display the DetailScale of the current layout in a titleblock I would like to specify a name, or the current layout’s first created Detail
Currently you can only refer to the detail view by it’s object ID
So you have to specify it for every layout.
EG. one could label the deail view D1 and refer a ‘D1DetailScale’ Layout user Text
So the title block scale label text can refer to %<LayoutUserText(“D1DetailScale”)>%
That’s an important enhancement, thanks for that feature!
Anyway, could you please elaborate if and how text fields work with blocks?
Example: a height annotation that displays the coords of the point it is placed at.
Thanks a lot!
With the Block attribute text how do i edit it once i have inserted the block? Can we have block attributes that are instance based and family based? so one block attribute if updated would change the field in all of situations of the block and then have instance attributes that only effect that individual block?
Wish: It would be awesome if we had a “Result” field in the dialog which we could copy/paste from.
Often I’ll want the results of a text formula somewhere else, ie: A file name, spreadsheet, etc. To be able to copy the results directly, rather than retypiing, will reduce the chance of errors and save time.
hi there,
this is regarding Usertext export to csv i am getting formula text instead of values also grasshopper shows the same output export csv.csv (55 Bytes)
I agree. Much needed feature. I would also like to have the “Result”-option and also an easy access to standard “rounding”, such as “floor” and “ceiling” plus a way to limit the number of decimals in “volume”, “area” & “curve lenght”.
Finally it would be preferable to use an objects “Rhino-name” over ID if is such a name exists.
Maybe the “Select Object/Pick Object” button could be moved to the first dialogue-box, if a “dummy ID” existed in the text-box? If so, you could “preselect” the text and just pick a new object to fill-in the ID.
Ideally you could add a semi-complete text as your default to the “New Layout” (Printer, Papersize, Paperorientation, Layoutname) and “New Detail” (Modelscale, “@“, Papersize)?