Rhino 7 BETA Command Window text washed out


The text shown in the Command window in Rhino 7 BETA is washed out and has larger spacing than that in Rhino 6:

Rhino 7 BETA

Rhino 6

Is there an option to get back the old Rhino 6 Command window text?

My 70-year old eyes are not liking the text in Rhino 7 BETA. Please help!

On the plus side, Rhino 7 BETA reads the .jpg files for the texture on my meshes about 2X faster than Rhino 6. Very nice as this was taking minutes on my larger meshes with 16384x16 textures.


Hi Terry - you can set the font & size of the command line text in Options > Appearance page.


I have gone thru a few dozen fonts and have not yet found one the same as Rhino 6. When I check Appearances in Rhino 6 the line for the font is blank:

Please, what font does blank correspond to?

You were too slow to respond so I spent another 10 minutes and finally found it.

The answer is that Rhino 6 uses (at least since day 1 for me):


That’s definitely not the default for Rhino 6 (a Turkish variant or Times New Roman).

Segoe UI is the default font the Rhino uses for the command prompt and for Windows user interface elements in general.